Author's Note

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hey hello hi

So to the people reading this, I'm pretty sure you aren't my original readers. If you aren't, welcome, :) hopefully you like my writing LMAO but if you are curious, my original readers, the ones that have been with me for a while that I love very much, they come from the Gorillaz fandom, which is a fictional band (if you aren't familiar)

I don't know why that's important, I just wanted to let you know that I love them very much, and surely, I'll love you too :) ANYWAY

I got this idea from lovely BurgundyAngel24, who wrote "I'm in Love with a Killer" which follows the same trope in this story, Yandere. (More specifically, Yandere Shadow) To the ones new to this term, "Yandere", let me explain. I am defining this in MY WORDS, not the dictionary, so please take it with a grain of salt:

A Yandere (noun) is someone so overly obsessed with someone, that they will even take onto violent acts to keep their host/lover unoccupied by other parties.

Basically, extreme OLD (Obsessive Love Disorder).

Most of you would know, but I think I should tell everyone in general in case they just clicked on this because it was Sonadow. A lot of the ship's fans are extremely young, and I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't know what Yandere was.

That being said, this story is going to get graphic. As I mentioned before, Yandere people kill. Anyone interested in their "lover" will be formerly executed so they don't get taken away from them, again, very possessive.

Major triggers will be announced in certain chapters if needed. But this is your overall trigger warning. If blood, murder, murder descriptions, etc. makes you uncomfortable or sick to the stomach, I would read another story. I will totally not be offended if you leave my page because of this content, it isn't for everyone. :)

I have found plenty of other Sonadow stories on Wattpad, and even on Archive Of Our Own. If you need some recommendations, drop a comment on this "chapter" and I'll be more than happy to give some to you :)

ONE LAST THING: Because this trope isn't canon (thank god), and there isn't really any scenes or voice lines where certain characters are scared out of their minds (Sonic, Tails, Silver, etc.) I cannot study their personalities and expression in this type of content. Which MEANS, that the characters will NOT sound in character. I will try my best to match my writing style and their actions to the original character, but they might not seem like the same. Sorry if this disappoints, especially if you really like perfect character performance in writing. Also the characters who have powers (Sonic, Shadow, Silver, etc.) MIGHT OR MIGHT NOT show up in the story. As if writing this author's note, I haven't decided :(

ALSO, I WANT TO ADD A DISCLAIMER: I do not support or like this type of trope in real life. Please do not fetishize or romanticize this type of life. Having someone obsessed with you in this type of way is very scary and dangerous. I only ever use this trope in writing, and would never want this to happen to a real person in real life. If you or someone you know shows symptoms of OLD or such, please contact professional help immediately. This stuff is very dangerous and can obviously get people killed. Again, please do not "hope" or "wish" that someone would be obsessed with you like Shadow is obsessed with Sonic in this story. It is a serious condition and should be treated as such.

OKAY ENOUGH TALKING I hope you enjoy, and if you have any suggestions whether it be character introduction or stories overall, please leave them in the comments!! I love getting feedback and stuff like that, so I would be very happy to hear it.

Thanks for reading. 

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