C H A P T E R 1 3

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Sonic was at Silver's house again.

Silver had texted him later the night that Sonic checked on him saying that he would be perfectly fine for them to hang out in the afternoon.

It seemed pretty quick, knowing how distant Silver had been for the past few days.

But maybe a check-in was all that he needed.

Now that they had finally planned something, Silver was able to shower and forget about things that had been troubling him.

Because in his mind, this was kind of a date.

He didn't know how or what Sonic thought it was, but he didn't really think it mattered.

Surely, he would pick up on the vibes, right?

If not, then that would be very embarrassing for Silver.

But just like before, Sonic didn't have to stand at his door for very long before Silver opened it up with a light smile.

"Hey, Sonic." He said softly, actually wearing clothes that didn't make him look like he lived in an insane asylum.

"Hey!" Sonic said brightly.

Actually, seeing Silver walking and talking louder and with more energy than before was very relieving for Sonic.

Hopefully, he just gets better from here.

Mainly because Sonic only knew what Silver was going through as just some type of sickness.

Silver didn't seem to plan to tell him what was really going on.

As he felt he didn't really need to.

And didn't... want to either.

"Ready to go?" Silver asked, putting his hands in his pockets while they walked down his front porch.

"Sure am! Glad to see you're doing better, man." Sonic responded genuinely.

Silver chuckled softly, a touch of nervousness escaping his throat.

They went to his driveway and got into his car.

Silver had already planned all of this out, and wanted to do it a while ago.

He didn't explain the details too much, as he mainly wanted it to be a surprise.

Even though it wasn't necessarily anything special.

Silver was thinking of them to go get food at that sandwich shop that they went to before.

And then go up the mountains a small bit, into this forestry part of a trail.

It would be somewhat of a little picnic.

Except Silver forgot to bring any type of blanket or anything, so they would have to eat in his car.

After getting their sandwiches and other little treats, they started to drive up the road, it getting more and more rocky and natural as they went up.

Sonic held the food bags in his lap, looking out the window as they traveled.

He watched the decrease of houses and attractions become bushes, dirt, and trees.

He couldn't remember a time when he actually went hiking or something nature-related.

So, this was definitely going to be a breath of fresh air... literally.

But Sonic started to feel a little awkward with the silence, so he thought that he should introduce the small talk.

"So, when did you find this place? Is it like a campsite or something?"

Silver raised his eyebrows in attention, as Sonic seemed to snap him out of autopilot.

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