C H A P T E R 12

537 13 1

At this point, Sonic was very skeptical of everyone.

And he was worried for a lot of people in the group as well.

Not only has he heard from Silver, but not even Amy.

Rouge still hadn't told him what was going on and hadn't been answering him either.

He had only been texting Tails since he was the only person really responding.

He had constant worry for all three of them, barely even thinking about Shadow.

But all Rouge did tell him was to stay away from Amy's house.

She didn't say anything about Silver, or her house.

But since Rouge wasn't responding, he decided to go to Silver's house.

Since he actually knew his address compared to the others.

The least he could do was check on him.

Even though Sonic knew very well that it was illegal, he drove to his house by himself.

By the off chance that he would get pulled over, he would be in deep trouble.

But he had a hard time believing that that would actually happen.

And luckily, it didn't and he arrived at Silver's house unscathed.

He walked up to his front door, knocking on it.

He waited for a few moments before someone opened the door.

It wasn't Silver.

It seemed like his dad.

"Hello?" His dad said unsurely.

Sonic smiled awkwardly.

"Uhm, hi. I'm Sonic, Silver's friend. I was just wondering if he was doing okay since he hasn't been answering my calls and such." He said nervously, always having this subconscious motive to impress or be professional with friends' parents.

Silver's dad nodded in acknowledgment.

"Oh! I see. Yeah, he hasn't been feeling too well. You can come in though, and maybe if he saw you, he'd cheer up a bit." His dad moved to the side so that Sonic could walk through.

Sonic thanked him, sighing in relief.

"Thank goodness he's alright. I got worried he wasn't around... period." Sonic admitted, walking into his house.

Silver's dad chuckled softly.

"Yeah, me too. He's just been very sick; I wonder where he caught it. But I'll let him know you're here really quick... in case he isn't dressed."

Sonic nodded, staying near the door.

Silver's dad went up the stairs, softly talking to Silver through his door.

After a few moments, he started to head back down the stairs.

"He's okay, you can go up to hang out with him now." He concluded.

"Oh, okay cool," Sonic said politely, as they traded positions.

Sonic walked up the stairs, trying to remember which room was his without being an idiot.

He took an educated guess, knocking on the door lightly.



It was very weak and muffled, but Sonic still sighed deeply in relief.

He opened the door, and the room was very dark.

But he saw that Silver was sitting up on his bed.

Sonic fully entered his room, closing the door behind him.

Silver decided to turn on his bedside lamp, just for a little light.

He squinted harshly for a few seconds before relaxing.

"What are you doing here?" Silver asked, sort of with alert in his voice.

It caught Sonic off guard.

"What do you mean? I was super worried about you. You weren't answering me, and I got super scared man. I just wanted to check on you, that's all." Sonic said softly, putting his hands in his pockets.

Silver blinked, his brows raising in attention.

His cheeks started to go red suddenly, as he smiled lightly.

"Really? That's... so nice." He looked down, now really feeling his blush, and he wanted to hide it.

Sonic sighed again, moving over to sit on his bed.

"Your dad was saying that you got sick?" Sonic questioned.

Silver tensed up, his smile fading quickly.

"Uhm... I guess so. It's more like—" Silver looked up, almost telling Sonic what had happened.

But he got flashbacks to what Shadow told him.

Don't tell them anything.

His nightmares were already enough.

He couldn't have anymore.

"...I don't know." Silver finished, obviously uncomfortable.

"Hey, it's okay. At least I know you're okay now." Sonic patted Silver's arm, making his smile come back.

"Yeah, I'm alive." Silver said softly.

Silver contemplated doing any type of physical touch towards Sonic, but he hadn't seen anyone in a while, and knowing that Sonic actually cared for him, he couldn't see how it could go wrong.

So, with the hand that Sonic was patting his arm, Silver put his own hand over top of it, sort of wrapping his fingers around his hand.

"I'm sorry I hadn't texted or called you back. I've been so exhausted... even picking up my phone was a lot. I heard them and saw them, I promise, and I wasn't doing it on purpose. I have also had the worst migraine for the past few days, and even looking at my phone screen made me want to die." Silver explained, his voice groggy.

Sonic got a few chills up his arm from Silver's touch but ignored it.

His expression softened as he shook his head apologetically.

"It's okay man. It's all okay. I was just making sure you were alright, that's all. But now I know you are, so no worries."

Silver sighed at Sonic's constant reassurance, putting him to ease.

Sonic started to stand up again, Silver's hand sliding off of him.

"We could do that hangout thing you were talking about if you feel up to it," Sonic suggested.

Silver's face brightened up as he looked up at Sonic.

"Oh, that would be fun... Maybe... tomorrow. You kind of caught me by surprise." Silver chuckled softly.

Sonic reciprocated the light laughter.

"Yeah, okay. Can I text you then?" Sonic asked.

Silver nodded, yawning.

"Yeah, yeah. You can. I'm doing better." Silver confirmed.

Sonic smiled.

"Great. Just let me know."

Then he started to leave his room, waving his dad goodbye while he left.

He sighed in relief once again when he left his house, glad that at least one of them was alive.

Not saying that the others weren't as well...

At least that Sonic knew of.

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