C H A P T E R 3

722 17 89

The week went by at a healthy and steady pace for Sonic.

It was a little fast for him in the first two days, but after he could find his classes and friends with ease without needing to pull out his phone, it became a lot easier.

He was on top of his homework, and since he did eat fast, he did some of his homework during lunch.

He knew that this type of routine wasn't going to last long, but for now, he didn't have to worry about homework.

Since him being invited to anything was such a rare occasion, all he could think about was that party.

And when Saturday finally came, he didn't know what to think.

He got at least Tail's number, where he said that he would drive him to the party.

Sonic couldn't drive by himself yet, as he had to wait just a few more months until he could get his Driver's License.

He felt a little embarrassed by it, being driven around by someone younger than him, but he didn't know how else to get there.

And besides, Tails seemed more than happy to do so.

Sonic told himself to sleep in so that he would have enough physical and mental energy to go, which he did.

He slept in a lot, to the point where he needed to leave in about three hours.

He went ahead and took a shower, and wore his favorite outfit.

Not that it was going to necessarily matter, but he wanted to feel good.

This was his first high school party, and he wanted to make a good first impression.

He already let his parents know about the party the same day that he was invited, so they already knew where he was going to be.

He waited nervously, as Tail's told him that it wasn't even his house either.

It was a completely new person that he didn't know.

He didn't remember their name if he was even told it, which made him a little bit more uneasy.

But nevertheless, he was going to be with his friends, which were people that he trusted enough.

After a few minutes, Tail's arrived at his house just in time.

Sonic said goodbye to his parents and went out to Tail's... car?

It looked like it had wings as if it could fly.

Sonic waved at him, which Tails waved back in the driver's seat.

He went around, seeing that there was only two seats total in his car.

He opened the door, getting in politely.

"Hey!" Tails said.

"Hey man!" Sonic responded.

Tails chuckled, locking the doors and driving away from his house.

"Does this... fly?"

Tails smiled at this question.

"She sure does! Want to see?"

Sonic got a little bit more uneasy.

"Uhm... if you want, buddy." He laughed nervously.

Tails laughed at his reaction.

"I mean, it would get us there a lot quicker, but we can just enjoy the ride."

Sonic sighed in relief, looking out the window.

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