C H A P T E R 14

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Why is this so scary all of the sudden?

Just a little bit ago they were all hanging out and just being... friends.

Shadow was a little weird from the beginning, but Sonic was told he was like that because he never socializes with people.

It made sense at first... but now he didn't know what to think.

When they got to Rouge's house, they were ushered in.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he followed you."

The bat said with a serious voice, doing the quickest scan outside before she shut the door and locked it.

Tails was scared, but probably not as scared as Sonic.

He didn't face an almost-death experience... or perhaps just getting kidnapped.

With how Shadow was hanging onto him, that's what it really seemed like.

"So, will you finally tell me what's going on?"

Sonic asked her, annoyed, but more out of fear.

He didn't know why she kept putting it off.

Was it really something hard to talk about or something?

Rouge sighed; an apologetic expression now shown on her face.

"Yes, yes. But let's go to my room, so he can't see us."

As if her words couldn't make everything creepier.

She closed the blinds and curtains in her room, locking that door as well.

It was heart stopping to watch her even cautiously check her own closet, closing it firmly after she found that it was empty.

"Before I say anything, I just want to say, Sonic... I'm so sorry that you have to experience this. This was never my intention, and I was happy to include you in our friend group. I should've known that adding someone completely new to our—and Shadow's lives would lead to something like this."

Sonic could only shake his head lightly with furrowed brows.

They all sat on her bed, where she finally got comfortable enough to start talking.

"Remember at the party when we mentioned that he used to have an ex? Well, there is a reason on why it's used to. She didn't like how obsessive he was, and tried to get away. This made him very mad... mad enough to commit massive homicide on everyone she knew, including her."

Sonic stared at her in shock while Tails looked away.

The information was new to both of them, and it seemed to be difficult for Rouge to speak about it.

She was worried that everyone was going to yell at her for still being his friend.

The thing is...

He would never hurt her, because he wasn't romantically interested in her.

Unless she showed interest in someone he did, he could care less.

She was safe... for now.

"Obviously the pieces fit together too well for Shadow to get away with it unscathed, so he was immediately put in a hospital for study and recovery. This is where he got diagnosed with BPD and OCD, more specifically, OLD. Obsessive Love Disorder. He was given medications for it, and it's almost like how I've always known him."

She sighed again, rubbing her forehead.

"But it's quickly come to my attention that he hasn't been taking his pills..."

That's why Sonic was alerted of his medications.

He was telling him to take them every day?

Was he lying then?

"I knew about Amy taking a liking to you, and Blaze has told me about her speculations with Silver... and notice how they are the only ones gone."

Sonic's eyes fluttered, his agape mouth forming a frown.

He was probably becoming paler by the second.

Were... were they dead?

He had never felt this type of fear in his life.

Was his life being threatened now?

The blue hedgehog sadly wished that he never accepted the offer of being all of their friends... even though it had nothing to do with them.

Shadow always gave him an off vibe, but now if he were to see him again, he would probably have a heart attack.

"What—What are we going to do?"

Was all Sonic could manage.

His mind definitely was not working.

Everything was blank, and he was losing feeling in his hands.

"I'm going to do whatever I can to talk to Shadow, and get him back on his medication for a few weeks. For your safety, do not leave my house for a few days, I assume he knows where you live?"

Rouge asked him, lowering her hand and tilting her head while she looked at him.

Sonic gave her a defeated nod.

"I'm going to have to talk to my parents about this..."

"Don't worry, if you want, I can handle that too."

Rouge was being so sweet right now, even though this was probably the bare minimum she could offer in this situation.

Even though Tails shouldn't be considered a target, Sonic was still nervous that something bad was going to happen to him.

The fox assured him that he would be okay, and after a few hours of being with him, he left Rouge's house with extreme caution.

Rouge had a guest room that Sonic could sleep in, and she said that she had no problem buying him some clothes for him to wear for the little while that he was going to stay.

This was definitely weird, and preventable if he wasn't so friendly and welcoming to new friends... but there wasn't anything he could do about it right now.

His parents were contacted, and it was put very plainly that he was in danger and his life was pretty much being threatened, and they were willing to let him stay for his safety.

He talked to his parents for an hour just to clear up everything, and get his side of the story.

Sonic's panic attack never really left, but he was really worried about Amy and Silver.

He didn't dare to ask about it, because he didn't want to hear what he thinks he will hear about their fates.

It's horrible to think that the day started with him and Silver having a good time with each other... to this.

Hopefully this will end soon, and everything can go back to normal.

[ sorry this chapter is really really short, I don't like sonadow and don't really see myself continuing this. I'm really sorry. ill see what I can do to push myself to complete the last six chapters ]

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