C H A P T E R 8

521 14 19

It was chilly.

Winter was finally starting to take effect.

It sucked in December because that's when the finals were assigned.

And Sonic was dying.

He had only been in physical school for a few months, finally getting on their speed.

The online stuff he was doing was way easier than all of this physical crap, so he was struggling.

His friends offered to tutor him in certain subjects, but he always declined.

He wanted to get through this on his own.

And even if it caused him to have mental breakdowns and really question dropping out, he was still going to do it.

But thankfully, it was the weekend, in which he was probably going to hang out with his friends.

He was quite overwhelmed by how often they all hung out, but most of them were seniors or juniors, so they didn't really have much homework or things to worry about.

And none of them were employed either, so they didn't have to worry about that.

The last few times he had declined, and just had been either catching up on his late work or just sleeping.

But he did set an alarm on his phone to tell Shadow to take his medications.

He thought that if this was going to be the only way to make Shadow less scary for himself, he was going to take it.

It was easy to do, and he knew that the little things are what mattered.

And Shadow seemed to warm up to the idea of a scheduled reminder, being more open and kinder with his responses.

They used to be dry, or he wouldn't answer at all.

Sonic didn't think too much of it, since it was basically the bare minimum that he was performing.

But it affected Shadow a lot.

A lot more than Sonic would ever know.

But Sonic decided to remind him in the morning today since it was a weekend, and he promised Silver that he was going to hang out with him this weekend.

But with Silver's nervousness, he blurted that the whole group should get together for a little bit, and then Sonic and Silver can do their own thing.

Rouge loved the idea, mainly because she loved being out with her friends and just being out in general.

Most of the others agreed, except a select few but most of the gang was going to hang out at a mall.

Rouge even thought of asking Shadow if he wanted to come, to which he asked who was going to be there.

But right when Sonic left her mouth, he told her that he was going to be there.

He paused for a moment to not make it as obvious, so Rouge didn't think much about it.

But they all arrived at the mall eventually, since all of them were driving themselves.

Silver, of course, picked up Sonic and brought him to the mall to find everyone else.

"Hey, you guys!" Knuckles said, waving over at Sonic and Silver.

Silver raised his shoulders and smiled in response, and Sonic waved back.

They all grouped up and looked around to see if anyone else was coming.

Sonic felt someone behind him, to which spoke before he could turn around.

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