C H A P T E R 4

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Sonic was nervous to go to school on Monday.

He didn't know if he was going to get yelled at by the group for hurting Tails.

Of course, he didn't do it on purpose, he was really going through something.

But, none of them were there when it happened, so they didn't know.

He would explain himself, obviously, but he still didn't know what reaction he would get.

Sonic didn't approach them in the morning, rather he let himself explore the school.

Amy found him after he a few minutes, but he didn't mind.

Rather, she gave him a small tour of the school.

It would be easier for him now, as she even gave him shortcuts for places that he would almost be late for.

It was his second week in a physical school, and he was starting to get a hang of it.

He still couldn't stop thinking about Silver's comment at the party.

"Wait, you've never had feelings for someone? Aren't you like, sixteen—"

He never really thought about it.

He was never in school, so he didn't develop those school hall crushes.

And he never really did any activities that required also people.

He ran and did other things for his exercise, but he always did them alone.

He had friends, of course, but never crushes.

And when Eggman was a problem, he was saving children and animals.

Definitely not.

And he was still very young, and there were plenty of people who didn't have any type of romantic relationship until their twenties.

But that wasn't the only comment he was thinking of that came from the party.

"You're Young."

Who goes up to someone and says that?

It wasn't even in question form either.

It was an observation.

He observed him.

And came to that conclusion.

That's a little creepy.

A lot of things happened at that party, that Sonic wasn't sure if he was going to forget.

There were a few good moments, but most of them were just confusing.

He continued to walk toward where the group would usually be for lunch.

It was okay for him to be somewhat alone before school started, but the thought of being alone during lunch really made him feel embarrassed.

When the group came into view, Sonic couldn't see Tails anywhere.

But at the same time, he was there pretty early.

"Hey, guys." He announced.

They looked at him and greeted him, Rouge patting a spot next to her for him to sit.

Sonic nodded towards her, putting his tray of food down next to him.

After a few minutes, only Silver and Blaze arrived.

Sonic got more and more fidgety as the minutes passed by and Tail's wasn't coming over.

"Have any of you guys seen Tails today?" Sonic asked quietly.

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