C H A P T E R 1

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After three years of being on online school because Sonic was busy with other things, such as his mental health and saving parts of the world, he finally was able to go into real school.

This would be his sophomore year in high school, which seemed a little scary since everyone else was given a year to make friends and know each other, but he thought he would be alright.

The online school was the same school as the high school that he was finally going to walk into, so the principal and some teachers already knew about him, but that didn't really make him feel better.

He just knew that he didn't have to adapt to a new grading system or anything like that.

High school is when people start to mature, so he wasn't worried about how people would treat him.

Just not going to a physical school for so long made him forget how the entire thing worked.

But he didn't have much time to figure it out, since tomorrow was his first day.

It was the second term, however, as his parents were still wary about him going to school right after fall.

Sonic himself even said that he wasn't mentally ready to go to school yet, so they kept his online school until the first term ended.

He got everything he needed in his backpack and even set his clothes out for tomorrow. He was excited because he got to have more social interaction than before, but it was somewhat like going into a completely new school.

He did have one friend, named Amy, which was his biology tutor for two terms. She also offered to be his tutor for his Child Development class as well, but he quickly dropped that class before she could apply herself.

He didn't remember if she went to that school or not, but at least it would be one familiar face.

[-~-] (I'll try to keep the timeskips minimal, as I find them extremely annoying and boring)

His parents forced him to eat breakfast, which he was a little too nervous to do so, but he obliged. He kept waking up in the middle of the night randomly because he was worrying so much, meaning that he was going to school tired.

He had a bus stop, which was nice because he didn't want to bother his mom to get up early every morning just to take him to school.

But it could also be another opportunity to make some friends, or when he got friends he could talk to them at the bus stop.

It was extremely cold, but he made it. It wasn't too far, but being in the cold made him a lot slower.

He didn't exactly want to wear a whole bunch of jackets just to sweat in them all day at school.

There were a few other kids at the bus stop, which he obviously didn't recognize.

Most of them looked to be kids his age, in his grade, while maybe one looked to be a year older.

Either way, none of them looked or even talked to each other.

It made Sonic even more nervous, waiting for the bus in the cold.

In silence.

Eventually, the bus came around in the dark, its lights flashing into the kids' eyes as it turned.

Sonic waited for the bus to come to a complete stop before he started to walk toward it, unlike all of the other kids who seemed to not mind if they were going to get run over or not.

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