C H A P T E R 7

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As the weeks passed, and Sonic started to hang out with the gang and Shadow more, he started to get more comfortable around him.

It eventually got to the point where he and Shadow would have more individual conversations.

He started to respect him more, and actually get excited or just overall happy seeing him appear when they all would hang out.

Of course, he felt this way with Tails and Silver as well, but he was happy that he was becoming friends with the more difficult people in the group.

But he was different.

It seemed sort of cliché to say, but it was true.

Sonic never really had any friends growing up.

But the friend group's diversity really made him pick favorites.

And he did.

It didn't mean that he didn't spend time with each of them equally, it was just who he rather hang out with.

But with Shadow, when he started to show more leniency with him, he attempted to be friends with him.

It was working, as least he thought it was.

It was a Sunday, and mostly everyone was busy today.

Except for Silver.

He stated that he didn't have much to do, and since his work load was already taken care of, he was free for the weekend.

And he seemed really on the boat with hanging out with Sonic.

Sonic shrugged, as he was bored for the day.

His social battery wasn't the biggest, since he was so used to doing things alone, but he hoped Silver wouldn't drain him too much.

Sonic got his address and headed over to his house.

He didn't even have to knock, as Silver opened the door before he could even step up fully onto the doormat.

"Hey!" Silver exclaimed excitedly.

"Hey, Silver." Sonic lightly smiled.

Silver shuffled to the side, letting him in.

Sonic walked in carefully, unfamiliar with his surroundings.

Silver shut the door behind them.

He then just stood there awkwardly.

"Do... you want to go to my room?" He asked as any awkward, flushed teenager would.

Sonic shrugged.


Silver led the way upstairs, opening a door at the end of the hall.

Sonic walked into his room, it obviously warmer than the rest of the house.

It was also very clean, even smelling like cleaning products.

Sonic speculated if he deep cleaned his room before he came over.

This kid takes crazy measures for simple things.

Or maybe he just overthought a lot and didn't want to be judged.

Silver walked over and sat awkwardly on his bed, his leg bouncing nervously.

He seemed stiff.

Sonic just stood in the middle of his room.

"What... do you want to do?" Silver asked quietly.

Sonic looked around lightly before returning his gaze back to Silver.

"I don't know what you got, or what we can do... in case your parents got restrictions or whatever."

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