C H A P T E R 2

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After Sonic's first day of school, he was extremely exhausted.

Right when he got home, he fell asleep and stayed asleep until the next day.

Too bad he had to go to school again.

He hadn't gotten tired of it yet, but he wasn't used to it.

Especially the waking up early part.

But he had something to look forward to, as today was his next set of classes.

And also his new friends.

He didn't really know any of them yet, but he had only been in contact with them for less than an hour, which was at lunch.

He got ready like he did yesterday, and even felt like eating breakfast this time.

He was almost running late for the bus, but he got there.

He hoped that at least someone from the friend group would be there so that they could talk.

When he got there, there were a few kids there already, but he didn't recognize any of them.

He sighed to himself, looking down to the ground.

Being in silence for just the morning was going to be alright, surely.

He waited for the bus like everyone else, and it arrived shortly after he did.

He didn't wait for everyone to get on the bus this time and was one of the first ones.

This allowed him to get one of the front seats, where the heaters were.

It was lovely, as Sonic bundled into himself against the warm air, looking out the window.

Since the heater was so strong, it kept his window warm as well, so he couldn't draw on the frost.

Instead, he pulled out his music and zoned out until he needed to get off.

This time, at the last stop, somebody sat next to him.

Sonic looked over slowly, curious about who it was.

Tails looked over at him happily, waving.

Sonic brightened up, pulling out his earbuds.

"Hey! I didn't know you were on this bus!" Sonic exclaimed.

Tails stifled a chuckle.

"Yeah, I didn't go on the bus yesterday because of time, but I'll be here now!"

Sonic felt relieved that Tails was giving off the same energy as he did.

He was genuinely happy that someone he recognized was on the bus with him, and it made him feel even better when Tails seemed to feel that way as well.

Sonic felt a little confident that they would get along.

Sonic kept his earbuds off of him for the rest of the ride, unsure if Tails would want to have a conversation with him or not.

After a few minutes, they did start having small talk, which washed all of Sonic's nervousness away.

When the bus finally got to the school, they got off the bus together, becoming one of those pairs that were talking to the school that Sonic watched yesterday.

"So, what classes do you have today?" Tails asked, shuffling his backpack onto his shoulders.

Sonic furrowed his brows, not remembering his schedule.

"I... don't know. I'll have to check. Do you think we'll have some classes together?" Sonic replied.

Tails gave him a sort of apologetic expression.

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