C H A P T E R 10

496 16 16

"Sonic! It's so great to see you! I made this for you." Amy screeched as she glided towards him.

Sonic flinched lightly before looking at what was in her hands.

It was some type of necklace, and it looked handmade.

"Wow... that's so nice of you, Amy," Sonic said genuinely.

She actually put time and effort into him, thinking about him and giving him a handmade gift.

He couldn't not appreciate something like that.

"Of course! Anything for you Sonic!" She sung.

Anything for you Sonic! Her tone rang in Shadow's ears sharply, giving him a headache.

Shadow watched Amy like a hawk.

He observed her body language, her tone, everything.

He knew when a girl liked someone.

And she definitely did.

His jealousy grew like fire, which made his chest hurt.

He wanted to kill her right there, doing something suggestive to Sonic as she watched, her dying right before their eyes.

After a few more moments of Amy giggling and bouncing around, which made Shadow's ears bleed, she finally left to go with her other friends.

Shadow stared at her neck, noticing she was wearing a similar necklace to the one she gifted.

The one Shadow would use to choke her, before yanking the necklace and cutting her head off clean.

His scenarios in his head always brought his heartbeat up.

The adrenaline, the excitement.

He got up quickly seeing Sonic alone.

He walked over to him slowly, boldly lifting and picking up the necklace around Sonic's neck.

He observed it in hatred.

"It looks pretty." Shadow said lowly.

He lifted his eyes up to Sonic's.

This made Sonic blush more, looking away. He was already blushing from the sudden contact that Shadow was giving.

Shadow smirked lightly at his reaction.

"T-Thanks... Amy gave it to me." He managed.

"Well, that's very nice..." Shadow said slowly.

Shadow moved his hand away from Sonic.

Sonic chuckled nervously.

"I think she likes you," Shadow said.

It seemed like a normal conversation, so Sonic relaxed his shoulders.

He chuckled again, a little bit more normal this time, flushed.

"Yeah... she does seem to favor me."

Shadow's eyes snapped back to his.

"Do you have feelings for her?" He seemed to have stepped toward Sonic, as he seemed closer.

He asked the question sternly, his whole body seemed tense.

Why would he... care so much?

"Oh god no... no offense but... she's not my type. She's very... I don't know, emotional? And clingy..." Sonic said genuinely.

Shadow immediately softened his expression and posture.

He even seemed to sigh lovingly at the response.

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