C H A P T E R 11

424 10 11

He twitched.

The same memory.

Over and over again.

It wouldn't stop.

It never left his head.

His heart started to pound once more.

His vision cleared again.

He was back at the mall.

Sonic had gone over to Amy, and Silver just watched from the side.

This would be a good time to get something for him...

He looked around, noticing that most of the stores in the mall were just clothing stores.

Or jewelry.

Silver barely knew anything that Sonic liked.

And he never saw him with jewelry, so he assumed that wasn't his thing.

And he didn't feel too well.

He was thinking so much about Sonic and him hanging out later that day...

That he was so nervous and shaky.

And Sonic walked away from him.

He had to try and put himself together if they were going to hang out together.

He sighed sharply, trying to straighten his back and just look around himself, as the rest of the gang was sticking near Rouge, which was in the same shop as Amy and Sonic.

He started to move away from the group, going down the hall to see if there was anything remotely gift-worthy.

He kind of looked like he was looking for someone, leaning forward or to the side often, his feet only going forward a small bit every few moments.

But after he started warming up to the idea of going off on his own, he felt like he was being followed.

He wasn't too far away from the group, but he obviously looked like he wasn't a part of it.

And as his intuitions were right, he got slammed into a nearby pillar inside the mall.

All of the air from his lungs got shot out from the force, causing him to do a sharp yell absentmindedly.

However, the person who pinned him had already thought about that, as their hand was over his mouth firmly.

Silver regained awareness of what just happened, looking up into thin, piercing eyes.

Shadow's elbow was digging into his chest, making Silver want to cough with discomfort.

The older hedgehog leaned into him slowly, almost like a ghost.

Silver started to breathe quickly at this point.

"What do you think you're doing?" Shadow asked lowly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Silver furrowed his brows, genuinely confused at his high intensity.

He put both of his hands on Shadow's arm, trying to relieve pressure from his ribcage.

He mumbled in question against his hand, trying to rip his face away from him.

In response, Shadow just held him firmer, sharply jabbing his elbow into him harshly.

Silver closed his eyes in pain, now whimpering quietly out of pleading.

"Stay away from him." Shadow tilted his head creepily, like a haunted doll.

However, his face stayed as stern and serious as possible.

Silver squeezed his eyes shut, finally understanding what the fuss was all about.

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