C H A P T E R 9

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"Woah, this is amazing! How long did it take you to make this?" Sonic exclaimed, looking at a collection of prototypes of Tails's past inventions.

Tails shrugged, stifling a chuckle.


"Oh, you know, it depends. A few months sometimes." He started.

He then picked up a prototype that looked like a controller.

"I made this so I could put all of my photos and stuff in it. Just extra storage, you know?" He said casually.

Sonic hummed, nodding in awe.

After getting home from the mall, Sonic started to think about Tails again.

He looked at their last messages and realized that they hadn't talked in a few days.

He really wanted to make sure that Tails wasn't still upset, and if he was, then he was more than willing to apologize again.

But after attempting to talk to Tails again, he confirmed that they were on good terms.

Sonic felt relieved after that but still wanted to see him after he hadn't in a few days.

"So, you think you are ready enough to fly today?" Tails chirped, gesturing his hands in excitement.

Sonic laughed nervously, remembering his vehicle.

But, since Tails seemed happy and excited about it, why not?

Surely, he wouldn't kill him.

Sonic shrugged.

"Yeah, let's try that baby out! I wanna see your skills bro!" Sonic returned the same, excited energy.

Tails chuckled, fluttering his tails lightly at the extra energy.

They left his gadget room and went out to the garage, where the same car that Sonic was picked on from for the party sat.

"Actually, now I understand why your driveway is so long," Sonic observed as Tails opened the garage door.

Tails laughed, grabbing the keys.

After the garage door opened all the way, it was extremely bright, making Sonic squint a little bit.

But he looked down at the very long driveway, watching Tails get into the car.

He swerved around to the passenger's side, starting to get slightly nervous.

He had never been in a plane, let alone a transforming vehicle that can turn into one.

From the outside, on the ground, it looked like any normal car.

But surely from seeing how smart and inventive Tails was, he could expect a lot.

"Alright, here we go! Make sure you're strapped in Sonic!" Tails announced, taking off the parking brake.

Sonic looked around, finding a seatbelt.

He noticed that Tails wasn't putting on his.

He might've known how to fly this, and probably has flown it plenty of times,

but it still worried Sonic somewhat.

Yet, he couldn't bring himself up to say anything.

Tails pressed a button in between them, the entire dashboard, steering wheel, and control panel in front of them flipping and switching to different ones.

Now he had an actual throttle, like how planes have them.

But he still had a gas and brake petal, which was interesting.

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