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New Beginnings

"Is there any other way to convince your mom to not move? We can't just leave Los Angeles." my kwami, Flaame, whined. She was hovering around me, trying to keep me from packing. Though her effort was useless. I sighed, "I've already tried talking to her, it's no use." I then walked towards my bathroom to gather everything I needed, "Besides, there are multiple other superheroes in the US that are capable of handling any problem." Flaame continued to insist that I should stay, saying that it is my responsibility to watch over LA. However, she doesn't realize that whatever my mom says is final.

My mom works as an actress, starring in various movies and shows. Her face is more recognizable than the president's. She recently signed with a French agency to star in a TV show in Paris.

If all goes well, the show will last for at least four seasons, meaning she will be there for as long as I am in high school. I tried any times to convince her not to go, but it all ended in peril. She was set on this project, claiming that it was her life long dream to film this show, who was I to go against my mother's dream?

Ultimately, I gave in. We enrolled me into the Collège Françoise Dupont, which I later found out it was a middle school. Just my luck, I had to suffer through one more year, and here I was thinking i'll be going off to high school, living like they did in the movies, which I know are totally fake but I don't care.

I threw all my clothes into my suitcase before my mother stepped into the room. "Are you almost packed?" she asked, leaning against the doorframe. I silently nodded, hoping she didn't notice my crying kwami. She frowned when I didn't answer "Look, I know this is a big change," she began, as she walked closer to me, "but at least you'll have some friends. Remember Adrien?" How could I not, we used to hang out all the time when we were little. I loved spending time with him. His father? Not so much. "and Chloe?" Ah, Chloe the spoiled little girl, but she's fun to tease and hang with when she's not in a bad mood.

I smiled at my mother, "I guess it won't be so bad." I reassured. She sweetly returned my smile, walked up to me and kissed my forehead. "That's my girl," she said as she left, "We'll be leaving in a few minutes."

Grabbing my suitcases, I headed out the door before being stopped once again by Flaame. "You can't go." She stated as she crossed her arms, sulking. Giving her a sad smile, I patted her head, "I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do." I then ushered her to hide in my purse and headed out the door.

After a few short naps and constant reading, we finally landed in Paris. It was early in the afternoon, and the scene was a sight to behold.

As we exited the airport, I heard someone yelling my name. Looking around, I finally spotted young girl with blonde hair and expensive taste walking my way. Her face was plastered with joy as she sauntered my way. "Y/N!" She squealed as she hugged me. "It's been too long. I've missed you so much!" I smiled and hugged her back, "I've missed you too!" I say as she pulls back from the hug. She then ordered her butler to get my things as she ushered me and my mother towards her limo. Inside she began to speak. "I'm so glad you finally here. I have to show you around Paris and all my favorite spots, of course." I giggled as she began to ramble on with her nonsense. She may seem annoying at first, but she's a really great friend and her loyalty is no joke.

"... then we'll go to my favorite sushi place for dinner and then you can stay over at the hotel." I smiled, "I love it!" I was then dragged around Paris eating great food and shopping endlessly. We laughed shared stories and I even met her friend Sabrina. Later that night we decided to watch a movie marathon. I enjoyed it, but Chloe would not stop complaining on how boring, cliche, and utterly ridiculous the plot was. I mean she wasn't wrong, but that's what makes rom-coms so enjoyable.

Unfortunately the day came to an end, and I had to leave the next morning. Chloe insisted on dropping me off and to that I was grateful. When we arrived, I was in awe by the beautiful sight before me. The modern mansion was glorious and chic. When I stepped inside I was met with a timeless look, something sent from the 1920s, my mothers favorite decade. From the seats to the walls, everything screamed luxury. It was breathtaking to say the least.

While I was settling in, my mother came to check on me. "Hey sweetie, as you know I may be a little busy in the next few weeks." She informed me as she helped me unpack. I nodded, understanding. "You gotta pay the bills," I laugh as she looked at me apologetically. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." I assured, which seemingly shooed her worries away.

After a day's worth of unpacking I was finally able to relax on my bed. Flaame came barreling out of the mini house I made for her. "Finally," she said, "I thought those moving guys would never leave." I laughed as she flew over to my bed. "How are you settling in?" I asked as she shrugged, "It's not bad, the extra space is nice, though. The city isn't bad as well. Also, there isn't as much supervillains here. You might be able to have a break." I hummed in agreement. As far as first impressions go, Paris is high on the scale. I couldn't wait for what is to come.

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