S2 Special: Shanghai

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"That's it, work the camera. There we go. Fierce face. Now serious. Yeassssss. Now let's take five, Makeup we need a touch up on the male here."

I finally relax from my pose and let out a sigh, for hours we have been taking endless photos, and honestly I don't remember why.

I turn to the boy beside me, "Tell me again why were here in Shanghai playing dress-up?"

The boy eyed me, putting up his pointer finger to tell me to wait as the make-up artist finished his touch up.

I gaped, the nerve of him, "You did not just put up a hand." I scoff as he only rolled his eyes.

Letting out an annoyed breath, I crossed my arms and waited until he was ready to speak, which after a few minutes of touch up and him getting a bite to eat and a sip of water, he was finally ready to do.

"Since you haven't been paying attention for the past hour," He began, "We're modeling for my father's new investment. It's some tech device that I don't really care for."

I slowly nod, "Got it... now what's gotten you in this... mood." I say twirling my finger in a circle, gesturing to his sassy demeanor, "Did someone not get enough beauty sleep."

He looked away and took a breath, "If you have to know, I did not. You would think a vacation trip would actually mean vacation, but no being a the son of a celebrity means there's no days off."

I sigh, "I get that, ever since I put my image out to the public, it's been busy."

He nodded in agreement, "Couldn't agree more. But on the bright side I get to see you after months of basically no contact."

I laugh, slightly embarrassed, "Yea I changed my phone number before we moved and completely forgot to tell you guys or save your numbers."

He gave me a 'really' look and I could only nervously chuckle, "In my defense I was going through a rough time okay?"

He softly smiled, "Yea, that's true, but I'm glad you've been doing better. I've missed you."

I gasp, "Oh my! Did the Damian Wayne just smile! Can pigs fly now?"

Damian chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, don't get used to it hothead."

Suddenly Damian's father walked in, along with my mother. "You guys still aren't done? We got a reservation for dinner in 30. What have you been doing?"

Damian threw his hands, "that's it work the camera! There we go! Fierce face! Now serious!" He mocked and I couldn't help but laugh before turning back to the adults, "Now what were you doing?"

The two eyed each other before my mother spoke, "Adult business, now how much longer are you going to be posing for the camera? We don't have all day."

I shrugged, "No clue, they keep experimenting, so we never know." Damian then sighed, "Seriously father, why couldn't you just hire models instead?"

Bruce frowned, "Well for one, Y/N here is a model, and two it's cheaper and easier, now hurry up."

He turned to leave, escorting my mother out the door, letting me and Damian follow behind.

It wasn't long till we made it to the restaurant, but just trying to park or get to valet posed a problem.

Bruce sighed, "I guess they found out the Wayne's are in China..."

I looked to the growing crowd, but noticed they weren't crowding around us, instead there was someone else on the opposite side of the street.

A certain blonde.

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