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Volpina Pt.1

I sat along the railings of the Eiffel Tower, wondering back to something I used to ask my mother. "Are we cursed?" I'd say and she would ask what I meant, and I'd say, "Are we cursed in love?" She always told me that I was silly and that curses don't exist, but I'd think otherwise.

Ever since I was born, my family was unlucky in the love department. My grandmother would tell me all the time how all the men would fall for her, but none would stay.

She would always tell me the ridiculous story that one of my ancestors from a long time ago was the most sought after woman in all the land. She would have every man wrapped around her finger, and wherever she went, men would follow.

Even men bonded with another woman.

Those women grew furious at my ancestors beauty and seductiveness that they cursed the woman and every other woman after to never keep their true love.

My grandmother thought she found hers, but he moved to the other side of the world and had no way to reconnect.

My mother thought she found hers, but he left us once he found out about my sexuality...

...I thought I found mine...

...but she is gone...

I look out into the horizon, begging for the tears not to fall. Today was the anniversary of when we first met, and I can't believe that I am here without her.

And it was all my fault. I thought that I could play superhero and not suffer consequences, but I was wrong. With great power comes great responsibility, and I failed that motto. I failed her...

I gripped the railing tighter. She is gone and now I'm left to start over again, and I don't want to lose him either. I can't bear the fact of losing someone else because of my own stupidity. I can't lose him.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes until I felt a hand placed over mine. "Hey," I heard Chat call from beside me, "tough day?" He asked. I opened my eyes to meet his look of concern. The corners of my sills softly curl up, "Something like that."

Chat continued to look at me with the most intense gaze as he squeezed my hand and pulled me close. I held onto him like my life depended on it as the tears I tried my best to hold back started to fall.

He rubbed my back gently, "It's okay," He reassured, "I'll be here if you need me." I shook underneath his touch as my cries became uncontrollable.

I don't want to lose him, or anyone else. Not like how I lost her.

We stayed like this until Chat's baton began to buzz. He looked down, "I have to go. But, I promise I'll be back soon." I nodded as he gave me a kiss on my forehead, "I'm sorry, Princess. I hope you'll feel better."

I smiled, "I am just a little, thanks to you." He smiled and sailed off, leaving me back to my thoughts, but it wouldn't be long till I realized I'd have to leave too.

Stupid school.

I swung back to my room and de-transformed, giving Flaame a cookie as I got ready for school. "Are you sure that going to school is a good idea? I mean today is.."

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