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Queen's Battle Pt.2

It wasn't long before the show was back and running. Lights were low and music was blaring as I watched Adrien strut across the catwalk. He noticed my stared and gave me a wink as he passed me by.

I smirked in response as I gazed at him from below checking him out from the hat all the way to-

"Y/N" Chloe whispered beside me, "The hat's up there." She jokingly pointed to the hat on top of Adrien's head with a little giggle. I gawked at her before rolling my eyes again, barely able to keep my smile under control.

Chloe, on the other hand, could not stop laughing. Her shoulders were visibly shaking as she tried to hold it in.

But then everything went silent as a certain someone stood at the edge of the catwalk.

Adrien stopped and stared at his father before him. He watched as the man walked up to him and wrapped his son in his arms.

Even though he was the enemy, it still melted my heart to see he still actually cares for his son.

The press were loving this.

I then felt an arm wrap around me and looked to the side, my mom smiled at me and gave me a quick side hug, kissing the my temple.

Eventually the show came to an end and me, Chloe and Adrien met out at the front with our parents all conversing.

Adrien held me by the waste as Chloe kept fixing her new hair comb, making sure it was level with her styled hair. "Doesn't look so good!' She said showing it off, "It matches so well." 

Adrien laughs as I look at him, "Nice job runway modeling." I say looking up at him. He looked down with a raised brow, "You thought I did good."

Chloe snorts, "Please she was basically checking you out the whole time you were up there. Staring at your-"

"Okay! He gets it." I interjected, flushed with embarrassment as Chloe roared with laughter.

Adrien's grip on my waist only tightened, "You were checking me out?" I look to the ground, "Maybe a little." He smirked and pulled me closer, "I'm flattered." I blush depend as Chloe groaned, "God, You know I'm happy for you guys, but dial the PDA down."

We all laughed as our parent's came over, and a little after Marinette and her family. Nothing the new arrivals, Audrey took the hat off of Adrien's head and examined it. "This hat is not a Gabriel Agreste, are you responsible for that?" She asked turning to Marinette.

Marinette looked around wearily as Adrien gave her a thumbs up and I a reassuring smile.

Though she probably hates me now, I don't hate her.

Marinette smiled and turned to Audrey, "I...I'm the one who created it." Gabriel continued for her, "Marinette won a fashion design competition." Audrey studied it again, "It's the most exceptional thing I've seen. You're quite the visionary Marinette! Glitter had its day, feathers are a trend of tomorrow!"

She threw her arms wide before dialing it back in, "I haven't felt this much emotion since, well, you." She then turned to Gabriel who smiled, "She does have talent." They both looked at Marinette with awe and wonder.

Though their kids felt otherwise.

I turned to Adrien and Chloe on either side of me, behind their smiles was a cavern of grief and disappointment.

I took both their hands and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Audrey spoke again, "You want to be a fashion designer, right?" Marinette stuttered her answer, "Uhh.. I uh, Yes ma'am." Audrey smiled, "Then come to New York with me. I'll make you the biggest name in fashion. I'm sure you'll even upstage Gabriel!"

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