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Ah career day. I haven't had one of these since I was in elementary. To think they would still have a career day in the 9th grade. I didn't really expect it, and neither did my mom who is five hours away to shoot an episode for her series. Though, she did promise she would video call in time to give her spiel about acting. I wished she'd be there in person, but at least I get to participate. Something is better than nothing.

I got ready for school, gave Flaame her morning cookie and headed out of the house, slamming straight into Sabrina. "Sabrina?" I asked, "What are you doing here?" She looked down, "Um Chloe sent me to help you get ready." I furrowed my eyebrows, "You don't have to do that. I can handle myself. Besides, you have yourself to worry about." I then stepped out of my house and locked the door, "By the way, how have you been." Sabrina looked up at me and smiled, "Great after talking to you." I smiled back, "I'm glad."

We made our way over to the limo and went inside. I sat between Chloe and Sabrina. "It's such a pity your mom won't be able to attend today. I was really hoping I would be able to see Ms. L/N again. She is like a second mother to me." Chloe said putting one hand over her heart. 

I huffed, "Yea such a pity. Well we didn't expect to actually have a career day. Last time I did one was second grade." Chloe scowled, "Well that's just ridiculous. Why wouldn't they want a day to boast about your family. I know I would."

Me and Sabrina sighed, this girl is unrelenting.

After a short ride, we left the limo and headed into the classroom. Chloe and Sabrina darted to their usual spots, their parents not too far behind while I went over to Marinette, Alya, and the group, smiling as I introduced myself to their parents. 

"L/N. That name sounds familiar." Marinette's dad pointed out, "Are you perhaps related to Josephine L/N." I rubbed the back of my neck, "That's actually my mother." The group gasped. Alya was the first to speak, "How come you never told us your the daughter of a celebrity! In fact, probably one of the best and well known actress in the world." I laughed nervously, "It didn't come up in conversation?"

"Cool dude," Nino jumped in, "Do you like think we'll get to meet her. Is she coming here." I sighed, "Unfortunately no, she has work outside of the city, but she will be able to present through video call." I say and their faces brighten. They continued to ask questions until the bell rang, giving me a few moments to collect myself before heading in.

As I was about to enter, I caught Adrien ending a phone call, visibly upset. "Problem with the old man?" I ask as I walked up towards him. He sighed, "He's not answering as usual. Nothing new." I pursed my lips until I though of something. "Hey, I have an extra sugar cookie if you want. It'd for sure be able to cheer you up." I searched my backpack for the cookie, but was only met with a betrayed Flaame. 

He smiled, "No it's okay." He then looked behind me as if looking for something. "Where's your mom?" He asked. I answered, "Out for work, but said she'd video call. I honestly think it would be better this way. Wouldn't be as crowded." He laughed and we both went inside to listen to the first presentation: Mr. Dupain, Marinette's dad.

Marinette passed around croissants as he began, talking about his bakery, how he started it, and how he runs it. He also gave us a bit of insight as to how some of his most famous deserts are made. 

Halfway through Alya leaned over to whisper, "I still can't believe you are THE Josephine's daughter. How crazy is that!" I laughed, "Yea, how crazy." Alya smiled and pressed on, "What's she like. Is she nice? Or is she like a total diva like people say." I pressed my lips together, "She's great, but why don't you save the questions for later when she presents." Alya nodded and turned back to pay attention to the presenter. 

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