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It wasn't even morning when I was awoken from my beauty sleep by my phone ringing violently. With my eyes closed I tried to reach for my phone, but I have no sense of direction. Flaame groaned as I struggled to collect my vibrating phone.

When I did I put it close to my ear and answered, not ready to hear a panicked Chloe practically screaming in my ear. "Y/N! I need you to come over right now! There is something attacking me like a leprechaun or a unicorn, or I don't know, but it's terrorizing me!" 

I stretched out, trying to wake up, because I know for sure I won't be able to sleep after this. "What are you talking about?" I ask and she whines, "Just come here, please.... Oh! or better yet, send Firebird. I know you guys are friends." I sighed, "You know I can't do that, she has her own schedule, but I'll be there in a second. Just let me get up."

"Hurry!" She demanded as I hung up. I cracked my stiff neck and back as I got out of bed and changed for the day. Flaame whined, "Why are you getting ready, it's midnight." I continued to get ready, "Because Chloe is freaking out, and as the good friend I am, I am going to help her." Flaame gave a look and I sighed, "Okay fine, I just don't want to be pestered all day at school for not going." Flaame chuckled.

I got my shoes and headed out the door and into the direction of the hotel. Thankfully it wasn't very far so I wouldn't have to worry about what happens in the dark. As I entered the hotel I saw Chloe running down the stairs as if escaping something. "Ah! I am so glad you're here." She says as she held onto me, "There's a ghost and it seems like their sole purpose in their afterlife is to bother me." I sighed as I tried to pry her off, "Okay, someone has been watching to many horror shows. You're probably just imagining it."

Just then a flower flew our way, stems first and thorns sharp. Thankfully we ducked in time. I stared at Chloe in shock and she rose a brow, "See what I mean." I nervously chuckle, "Okay, I see we have our work cut out for us."

The rest of the morning was spent trying to dodge this thing while trying to get some peace. We've tried traps, plans, escapes, and even tried to communicate with it, but all it did was laugh as we struggled. 

Chloe started to get annoyed, "That's it!" She yelled, "I have had enough, come at me you freak!" She then ran ahead hopefully in the direction of the ghost and attempted to try and tackle the thing, but to no avail.

Eventually we gave up. With exhaustion in our eyes and sores on our feet we laid on the ground, not noticing Armand walking in the room. "It's time to go to school, please make your way to the car. I shall escort you two there." We groaned and I may have shed a tear.

As we made it to school, I tiredly slumped to the stairs. Chloe stayed behind demanding some time to nap before school actually started. When I made it to the stairs I almost fell on my face before someone caught me by the jacket. 

"Are you alright?" I heard a them say, pulling me up. I squinted as I looked to see who it was. A familiar blonde was in my view. "Oh, yea. Perfect, I've never felt more a...wake...." I drawl on falling onto his shoulder. 

I could hear him stifle a laugh when he grabbed me and helped me up the stairs and over to our group. I struggled to keep my eyes open knowing I'm only a few slow blinks away from falling asleep standing up. As we made it the group, I saw everyone's worried expression. "Y/N, are you okay? What happened?" Marinette asked as I stood up a bit, trying to wake up but still holding onto Adrien for stability. 

"There was a ghost terrorizing Chloe." I say and Alya rose a brow, "What were you doing with Chloe?" I shrugged, "I'm still her friend so she called me and I went. I didn't want pestered later." Alya hummed as she continued, "But wasn't Sabrina there, she's usually with Chloe." I sighed, "I have no idea where she was. It was only me and Chloe." 

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