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Chameleon Pt. 1

I stare at the ceiling, cursing to myself as I try not to listen to the constant banging and whirring  never stopping since last night.

Out of all the places my mom could've picked, of course she'd make him move in next door, saying "he'll keep an eye on you and Adrien for me."

I can't believe it.

The hammer banging on the wall continued, growing louder with his blasted music until it was invading my own thoughts.

It has only been one week since I found out he is going to be my brother, and he's already a bother.

What am I going to do when I meet the rest of them?

I groaned and tried to cover my ears with a pillow as I hear the banging switch to a whirring of an electric screwdriver. I glanced at my clock, realizing I won't be getting any sleep before I have to get ready for school.

I've had enough. I finally decided that I'm going out. I got dressed and headed out the door, walking out of my room and across the hall to his, banging loudly on the wood.

The whirring finally stopped, but the music continued on. The door opened just slightly, only giving room for Damian's head to pop out.

"What do you want?" He squinted his eyes at me with annoyance, keeping the door closed behind him.

My eyebrow shoots up in suspicion, "What the heck are you doing in there, remolding?"

He tucks away, looking back at whatever is in his room and back to me, "Yeah, sure."

I sighed, "Whatever, I'm going to head out for school. Some of my friends might come over after so don't be loud or annoying when I get back."

Damian nodded as I went to leave.

"Oh!" I say stopping myself and turning back around to the boy, "Actually, my mom said you're enrolled in school now. I guess that means you gotta tag along."

Damian grunted, "As if, I don't need to go to school. It's just a breeding ground for hormonal teens with barely any brain cells to frolic around."

I snorted, "Great, so you'll be ready in five? I wanted to get some macarons on the way." Damian smirked, "Yea, I'll meet you down stairs."

I nodded and headed to the bathroom to finish up my morning routine, making my way to the kitchen counter to wait for Damian there.

After about ten minutes Damian finally came down, dressed in his usual new money aesthetic with his dark slacks and loose shirt, just leaving the top two buttons undone. He fixed his watch as we walked down the stairs. 

I whistled, "Whew, you're gonna get all the girl's attention."

He rolled his eyes, adorning a downturned smile as he walked out the door, "Let's just get going." I laughed as I followed him, "Alright, playboy, but button up a little bit more, we're still in middle school here."

Damian widened his eyes, "We're what?"

We soon entered the bakery, browsing the pastries as Mrs. Cheng comes over to us, "Oh, Y/N nice to see you again! How was Shanghai?"

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