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Advice Giver

I'm anxious, and my anxiety makes me sluggish for some reason, and no matter how experienced I may be in crime fighting or city saving, that is always the one thing I struggle to defeat.  As of lately, the villains haven't really been packing a punch. 

Time travel? Last Season

Create things from drawings? Been there, done that.

Talk to pigeons? Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.

Okay, I have been hanging out with Chloe for too long, but that last one was ridiculous. Though, that day Marinette hit a huge milestone in her relationship. But even so, with all the villains attacking left and right, I don't have a sense of excitement when battling them and there is always this anxiety that something bigger is about to happen. 

Don't Get me wrong, I love battling bad guys and saving the day, but there is something that is in the way. Well, more like someone hasn't made any moves.

I'm getting tired, after that "confession" on Valentine's Day, nothing changed. We still have the playful remarks, flirting, and such, but that's pretty much it. Though, I did find out that he's around my age so that's a plus, but other than that there has been no progress. 

None, Zero, NADA

...and I'm starting to think that confession was a bad idea...

I sighed as I plopped onto my couch aimlessly scrolling through Netflix. I needed help in the love department, but I have no one to ask: Marinette already has boy problems of her own, Alya won't stop until she finds out who it is (and I can't have that), Chloe is no good when it comes to boys, and my mom is out of town due to a two part special for her series.

Flaame came up beside me, "I'm starting to feel like Chat was a bad idea" I groaned, "You think?" Flaame sat down on my head, "Is there anyone you could ask? And before you ask me, I'm all out of ideas." 

"Nope, all of my girls are bad options they're either too busy or too nosy." We sat in silence for a bit to ponder until Flaame spoke again. "If the girls can't help, what about guys?" I rose a brow, "I'm listening." She continued, "Maybe if you get a guy's opinion you can figure out why Chat hasn't done anything different. See a new side of things." I hummed in agreement, "That's not a bad idea. I just have to figure out who to call." Flaame helped with the decision, "Well... who are the closest to?"

I rose my brow in realization and instantly grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts. Finding the right one I clicked call. After as second, Adrien's voice rang, "Hey, what's up?" I hesitated. Is this the right move, calling Adrien for relationship advice.

Eh what the heck. 

"Hey, do you think you have time to talk? I need some advice for something." I ask. "Sure," he said, "You can come over to my house if you want." I smiled in relief, even though he can't see it. "Thanks, I'll be there in a few." 

After I hung up, I changed out of my pajamas and into something more decent. When I exited the house, Flaame flew out of my minibag and floated beside me, "I'm surprised you're actually going to his house, I thought you hated it there." "I do," I responded, "But we probably won't run into Mr. Agreste and also I really need some input on this whatever-ship that is going on."

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