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Redemption (Malediktator)

Do you ever get that feeling when you miss one day, just one day of school, and everything that could happen happens?

Like today, I get food poisoning from an old sandwich that just so happened to have Plagg's cheese in it, so I'm stuck in bed as I get a call from Chloe.

"That's it!" Chloe yells from the other side of the line, "I've had it with this class. I'm leaving this place and going with my mom to New York." I frowned as I saw tears prick the edges of her eyes on the opposite side of the screen.

It hurt that I can't be there with her.

Chloe sniffed, "They made fun of me, Y/N. They laughed at me. I worked so hard on that stupid project. The self interview idea was the best I could think of, and they make fun of me just because I dressed up as ladybug?"

I looked at my phone with a saddened expression, of course this happens on the day that I'm sick. 

But that's not going to stop me from helping her.

"Where are you right now, I'll come meet you." I say as I stand up, getting a wave of nausea as I did so. Chloe shook her head, "No, you need to rest. Besides, I'm about to meet Luka soon. He's going to take me to lunch to cheer me up."

I smile as I struggled to stand without having the urge to throw up. "That's good." I say, "Because, I'd hate for you to leave. Especially, since I just got here. What was one thing you've always told me?"

Chloe sighs, "Don't waste my time or energy on what they think." She rolls her eyes and smiles, "See, this is why I like you!" I laugh, "Not as much as Luka, though."

She widened her eyes as she looked around, "Not too loud, he's close!" I laugh again as I watch her struggle to turn the volume down, "But seriously, Y/N, thanks. I hope you get better soon, so we can hand out."

I smile "Me too."

She then looked up to who I think was Luka and hung up the phone blowing a kiss goodbye. I smile as I turn off my phone and struggle to the bathroom. 

My stomach and head making anything 10 times harder than normal.

God, why did I have to eat that sandwich!

I suddenly get this wave of anxiety realizing what Chloe called me about. She's a rash person and sometimes takes things too far before someone can tell her otherwise. Especially with her mom, the most eccentric of them all.

I rush out of the house, still clad in my slippers, pajamas, and robe as I run over to the school, wondering the worst. Maybe fired principals, closed school. Or even burnt down (Chloe's Mom can be a little much)

However, instead of anything of the sort, I find myself in the middle of a party. Fireworks and confetti go off, filling the whole campus.

I stare in shock at the sight before me as Flaame flew close to my ear, "They really didn't like Chloe, did they." I scoff, "And just as she was starting to be nicer to them."

I furrow my brows as Adrien ran up to me. "Y/N! What are you doing here, you should be ing bed resting." He then pressed the back of his hand to my forehead, taking my temperature, "You're still hot, I'll take you home."

I shook my head, "No, I'm okay. I came to make sure Chloe's parents didn't do anything rash." I then look back at the party, "Guessing it was the exact opposite."

Adrien sighed as he looked to the campus, "So that's what's going on..."

I tried my best to hide my angered expression. I know I'm not Chloe, but this would just feel like I was stabbed in the back.

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