Chapter three •The hell hole•

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Mum left early in the morning and while I did wake up with her I went back to bed after she left because God only knows how much sleep I needed.

"First day at a hell hole, fantastic." Chucking on some clothes and walking out early to pick up Dustin since I promised his mum he wouldn't be late for the first day of school I left the house with a yawn. The Apple I picked up to eat was perfect for once, thank mum for going to an organic food store for groceries. Money would be sent monthly to Claudia's house so I could go food shopping and whatnot. Tapping my steering wheel I made it to the Henderson's. Beeping my horn he came out and when seeing the outfit, knowing not to say anything about the shirt or the hat since he loves hats Dustin hopped into the car chipper for this time of morning.

"Morning dust hater." Rolling my eyes at him I started driving.

"You're smiling face is hurting my eyes why so excited?" He drum rolled his legs and I arched a brow at him.

"High school is a new start, no bullies fun times a fresh start." I scoffed at him knowing that wasn't true in the slightest for anyone. No matter where you are going from one school to the next if you're surrounded by the same people the structure is all the same. "And I get to rock up the first day of school in this killer car." I sighed glancing over at him.

"I'm not so sure about that." He looked at me confused.

"No your car it's amazing."

"No not that, don't get your hopes up high school is a killer for smart people like us. So for your first day stay low. Seniors pray on little people." Dustin stared out in front of him for a moment before looking at me.

"But you're a senior." I chuckled turning the car into a park.

"Indeed Henderson but fear not since we're related by blood I cannot bully you much." He giggled while I got out of the car grabbing my satchel bag. "Chop chop my guy." I frowned when now seeing him nervous in his seat. "Oh come on you have friends right hang out with them Dusty bun." His head whipped around to look at me. "I need to chat with the principal or whatever come on." He got out of the car which I locked right after. We started walking towards the front doors to which he stopped but I kept walking.

"Catch you later Henderson." Disappearing in the crowd from him I got a few stares but ignored them.

So if the quick tour we got from the map drawn by Dustin. I managed to find the office to the principal. Knocking the door creaked open.

"Hello?" A lady asked not looking happy to be there. She sighed glasses drooping down when seeing me.

"(y/n) Lipton here reporting for the first day of school." She hummed looking down at her papers.

"Yes miss Lipton, you took French at your old school." She sucked in some smoke from her cigarette and I coughed.

"Sorry, but could you..." She lazily looked up at me. "I have Asthma and smoking..." She immediately tapped it out.

"Smoking is a normal thing here so I suggest a mask." A mask wouldn't filter out the smoke. "I'll get a teacher to show you where your classes will be and your locker. Just sit down and wait." Giving her a tight-lipped smile I stepped outside sitting down to wait. Getting out my sketchbook I was drawing away on the lined paper random shit while waiting a few minutes for a teacher to show up.

"Mr Glaston will show you around." She handed over my class schedule and the teacher gestured for me to follow.

"Gym, chemistry, Math." He was listing off all my classes fast and while he did that I extended the map of the school while we kept walking. "And your lock and locker. For now English." He rushed off back down the hall to the English room and opened the door. "(y/n) Lipton is here." He called in and the class turned to me.

"Miss Lipton glad to see you here for the first English class. Could you tell me who wrote the book on the board?" I glanced over to the chalkboard seeing 1984 on it I sighed.

"George Orwell. A dystopian social science fiction novel and cautionary tale of totalitarianism." She smiled gesturing for me to take a seat.

"Correct Miss Lipton. Excellent summary." Walking towards the only seat in the back of the class I saw some kids looking at me.

"Fucking nerdy emo." I rolled my eyes kicking his bag from the back of his seat enough for it to hit the floor.

"At least I'm smart dumbass jock." He went to stand but from the teacher's end, all she saw was the jock standing up.

"You have something to say, Jason." Smirking at him I continued to sit down in my seat.

"Nothing Mrs Walker." He glared back at me while I opened my notebook for the class to start up again.

After English, I used the five-minute break to go back to my locker. There were people looking at me once again but a pair of eyes surprised me, A doe brown eye pair which I stared at for a moment too long before continuing to walk. His hair reminded me of all the classic rock bands. Opening the locker and putting all my books away there was a bang next to me.

"Alright, you little bitch next time you pull that I'll..." I stepped on his foot.

"You'll what Jason? Tell the principal? How about I tell him the shit you said before that, I don't tolerate bullying so back the fuck up or get stepped on ass hat." He gulped while I slammed my locker shut walking off.

The hallway stopped, watching me as I went off to French class.

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