•Chapter twenty two: Adult talk•

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Warning: sexual scene

When we made it to the war zone the car park was basically full. The second Steve stopped the car he jumped up.

"Right whoever wants to come can, Dustin, (y/n), Lucus you stay." Steve pointed at them and Dustin groaned sitting back down.

"Aw come on. I want some stuff." Dustin whined out and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you need?" Dustin went to say something but froze not sure.

"Could you get me these?" I tossed Steve a piece of paper and he stared at the paper than me.

"What the hell is all this? Liquid fire?"

"All that can make a watermelon completely disintegrate." I grinned making a fake explosion in my hands.

"And you think Venca is like a watermelon?" Robin said and I pointed at her.

"No. He's an evil raging ball of tentacles which I want dead and an explosion could do that." Steve tossed the paper back at me.

"I don't want to fail a science experiment that could blow my face off." Shrugging letting them leave Eddie picked up the paper.

"Nope, buddy no explosion for you." Spending a moment in silence Eddie suddenly moved standing up.

"Right boys out." We all frowned at him.

"What why?" Dustin whined getting tugged up by Eddie.

"We need to have an adult talk so mush." Dustin looked between Eddie and me glaring.

"No, no no NO! I'm not waiting outside to listen to you fucking my cousin!" Lucus grabbed Dustin's shoulders.

"Just let them be." He breathed walking the two of them out and Eddie turned to me.

"So what's this Adult talk? Never knew you to be the one to be serious." Eddie ushered me to stand up and when doing so he brought our lips together. "You're really gonna fuck me here Munson?" He tugged on my jeans trying to get them down.

"I will since it might be the last time and we've been so fucking stressed the past week I thought this would bring some relief." I knew the two boys outside knew what was going on but he was right. I was stressed and fucking hell if either of us die I don't want the last thing we did being moping around in a trailer. This seemed better.

My jeans were brought just to my thighs and Eddie rubbed his hand to my clit quickly.

"Fuck Eds." He smirked pulling me in for a heated kiss. moaning from my clit to bring a finger past my walls I was silenced by Eddie kissing me again

"Already wet, you thought about this too huh?" Biting my lip holding in a moan Eddie added a second finger while I got to work on his jeans. Time was short, maybe ten minutes at most so I wrapped a hand around his cock Eddie grunted fingering me faster as we made out.

"You gonna fuck me already or not?" Eddie took hold of my hips turning me around and bending me down to the table.

"Better keep quiet Lipton or someone might hear." He pushed in easily but fast making me gasp taking in his length. "Fuck sweetheart. Always so fucking tight for me." His hips rocked back and forward hard. My eyes rolled back. Eddies hand went over my mouth as he hit up the pace. The other hand kept swift circles onto my clit as he worked hard to get me to finish faster.

"Oh shit, I'm so close Eddie." Although I was muffled by Eddie's hand he knew what I said and brought me to my orgasm. Gripping on tight to the wooden table Eddie grunted turning me around holding onto my legs while thrusting back in. Doing this stuff on the table was knocked to the ground but Eddie didn't care nor did I at the point.

"Come on baby give me another one." he snuck a hand down and when Eddie pulled out going right for my sopping hole with his tongue the shock sent me shaking holding onto Eddie's hair. He worked fast slamming his fingers inside me while he worked my clit with his tongue. The way his fingers just curled up the right spot and when he sucked me like a starved man for his last meal had my eyes rolling back. Spilling over the edge once more holding my own hand over my mouth Eddie watched me squirt savouring that moment. "Always such a good girl for me. Aren't you." Whimpering still shaking Eddie kissed my cheeks. "Last time alright, this time I'll finish with you." Eddie went back in eyes rolling back while he started thrusting. Pulling him forward I kissed him tasting myself on him.

"I love you." I breathed and that made his dick twitch.

"And I fucking love you so fucking much." He groaned finishing off by sending me over the edge as well. Panting together gasping for air Eddie pulled out fixed up his pants then grabbed a tissue cleaning me the best he could. "Shit. Shit shit shit. They're here pants up." He moved me around and I fixed my zipper up.

"Come here," I said tugging Eddie to the couch moving in to kiss him as the door swung open.

"What are you talking about Dustin? Their adult time is just making out. Jesus." Steve rolled his eyes now in a new set of clothes.

"Ten seconds ago this trailer was shaking alright." He pointed at us and I raised my middle finger.

"Maybe an earthquake." Eddie chuckled into my hair kissing my head and Dustin pointed two fingers to his eyes then at us.

"I'm watching you." He squinted his eyes and I rolled mine.

"Please don't."

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