Chapter sixteen •Skull Rock•

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"Dustin are you there it's Eddie, you remember me right. I really might be in a little trouble here." My body froze from blowing on my painted nails and turned to the Walkie on the nightstand. Eddie. Grabbing the walkie I held down on the button.

"Eddie, what's happening?"

"Oh thank God am I happy to hear your voice princess." I sighed kicking on my shoes and finding my keys.

"Focus Ed."

"Right. Jason and his fucking friends are here. They smashed the front door to get in because it's locked." I gasped fucking pricks.

"Don't move I'm coming over." Claudia was in the kitchen and she stopped me when I went for the door.

"Where are you going? It's gonna be dark soon." hopping to a stop almost slamming into the wall I turned.

"Oh, I just forgot some of my cassettes from my place. I'll be back in half an hour tops." She nodded and I went for my car.

When getting to my house it was a setting sun a black car was in the drive and the front door was indeed smashed. A figure came out of the house.

"Lipton fancy seeing you here, at the drug dealer's place." I glared at him crossing my arms.

"Actually it's my mum's house now and you're vandalising and trespassing so fuck off or I'll call the police." He chuckled stepping down the steps getting closer to me.

"Your freak of a boyfriend is going about killing people and I know you're hiding him. I'm doing what the police can't." I frowned at him walking up and before he could blink I punched him in the nose.

"Jason you and your goons can fuck off. Killing someone even if they are a killer can still get you time in prison."

"Holy shit." The other guy with him said who was looking out at the lake. Jason groaned stumbling back and looked out to see Eddie at the lake, Jesus Christ Ed.

"Hey, freak!" Jason shouted. Fucking Eddie seriously. Jason ran off even with his now bleeding nose. Eddie looked back at us trying to start the boat but before I could get to Jason and his friend they were already in the water. What the fuck do I do?

"What the hell are you?" There's another one, I glared at him grabbing onto his shirt.

"Call the police." I hissed shoving him before looking back out and nearly fainting when seeing the body of one of the three now floating in the air. The echo of bones snapping drowning out the birds around lovers lake. I couldn't help but scream covering my mouth in shock tears running down my face.

When the police got to my house they looked at the three of us now inside.

"Why is the door smashed?" One officer said and I whipped my head back at them.

"Those fuckers came into my house wrecking the place looking for Eddie." I shook out in my seat on the couch.

"And we found him. You were hiding him." I groaned at Jason's friend.

"I was as hell wasn't. I was at the Hendersons since the first attack scared out of my fucking mind." The officer stood between us holding onto either of our shoulders.

"Alright now easy. Let's start from the beginning one at a time."

We were questioned for hours and soon my scared body turned into rage.

"And how did you get the broken nose?" The chief asked Jason when it was his turn for questioning. Jason gestured towards me and the officers looked at me.

"He was trespassing on my property, breaking windows and wasn't leaving. I do hope he's paying for the damages." He raised his hand for me to stop. "Do I need to be questioned anymore it's already morning?"

"You're free to go miss Lipton." Jason stood up from his chair.

"She's been hiding him from the beginning shes one of them."

"Jason she's been with Claudia Henderson since the first attack on the other side of town she confirmed it and we have reports of your extensive bullying towards her in the past which leads to your link between them. Go, Miss Lipton." The chief said and I nodded going upstairs to change into a new set of clothes. Stopping when seeing something in particular in my room knowing it would be useful. I grabbed it wrapping it around a cloth before heading out. Police tape was about to be brought up so they let me pass before finishing up.

"Eddie where are you?" I breathed driving down the road along lovers lake. The only landmark around here is skull rock which he talked about constantly to make out at. It's a start.

The forest was quiet as I stomped through it trying to remember all the markers to get to the rock. Taking one puff of my inhaler for good measure from my worried fast-paced walking I finally spotted it after half an hour of looking.

"Finally." I breathed out cracking my neck. "Eddie." Whispering this I didn't get a response. "Ed."

"(y/n)." There he was I ran over giving him a tight hug. "Woah (y/n) calm down." I pushed him back slapping Eddie's chest.

"I calm down. I just saw a high school kid get his bones mangled together in the air and lie the shit out of some cops. How in any way must I be calm." Eddie rubbed the back of his neck.

"Do you believe me now?" A shaky breath left me and I sat down on the damp ground.

"I'll believe anything all of you shitheads have to say."

"Then let's get them here."

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