Chapter seven •Town Freak•

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Four months into the school year and now I've gotten into a new routine. Mainly accommodating Eddie into everything. On the weekend when he wasn't doing band we would do homework, since he did want to finish this year and he did have the brain for it Eddie just never tried before.

"Right so this would equal 87." I clapped my hands tossing him an m&m for getting the question right.

"Yes, Munson you're gonna ace this test next week." He groaned hitting his head on the head of the chair. After the half week, it would be Christmas break which I was spending with Dustin and his mother. Which I hadn't told Eddie about but it was only one dinner so he didn't really need to know.

"Well yeah, I have an awesome teacher, better than clammy Mr Quill."  I giggled tossing an m&m in the air eating it.

"Clammy?" Laughing this out while drinking some wine he shrugged.

"Well yeah, when he hands out papers they always stick to his hands." He slammed his hand on the paper watching it stick. "Like this."

"Ok, Mr funny solve question ten while I get some socks. My toes are freezing." Jogging upstairs to search for the fluffy socks I brought for such an occasion holding them up in victory I slipped both on turning around almost bumping into Eddie on the way down. "Woah everything ok?" He leant in hugging me and I froze on the spot.

"The answer was 134.6. Spend Christmas with me. We can decorate a tree together and my band won't be meeting all week." His hands slid down my arms lightly and I tilted my head up to see him staring down at me.

"I uh can't." Eddie stopped moving and stepped away.

"Oh, I uh get it I overstepped." I grabbed onto his hand before he walked off.

"No I, I'm seeing family on Christmas day for dinner and..." He flicked his hand from mine.

"And you don't want to be seen with the town freak." He trotted down the stairs heading to grab his books.

"No Ed."

"Then what's the problem. Clearly, you're not interested in me and we're just friends but I thought you wouldn't want to spend the break alone." I stood in front of the door as he went to leave.

"My uncle is a drug dealer. If anyone found out we're related immediately everyone pins me as a dealer. Not that I care what people think of me but the family that I have in Hawkins if people found out I'm also related to them then my cousin becomes a dealer also." Eddie stopped sighing out now calming down slightly.

"Because druggies run in the family I get it. But who are you related to?" Sighing I glanced away and Eddie groaned. "Come on (y/n) I never tell secrets. I won't even mention it to your cousin that I know." He wouldn't stop that was for sure, it would be my whole Christmas break.

"The Hendersons!" I shouted and Eddie's mouth dropped.

"Dustin? The Dustin that's in the D&D club with me." I nodded and Eddie cackled so much he was on the floor. "That little devil. He's the only one who really gets what I'm saying about how amazing you are whenever I rant about you." I froze blushing at him but Eddie didn't notice having his laughing fit. Maybe we drank too much.

"Ok, Eddie so know you know why I can't stick around on Christmas ok. That little plushie couldn't handle any more bullying." we sat together in the doorway and Eddie finally calmed down.

"Ok fine no Christmas dinner then but you can't be spending all break with them right?" I sighed nodding and he grinned looping an arm around my shoulder. "So Christmas tree Wednesday, holiday crappy singing Thursday and Drinking late into Christmas night where we roast marshmallows on the fire and I eat a pill and you mother me." I slapped his chest making Eddie laughed as I leant my head to rest on his shoulder.

"Sure loser."

It was the last day of school before the short break until the new year. This was of course the day of our maths test which would count for the final grade of the class. Eddie was in the back while I was three rows ahead of him. He gave me a worried look but I just gave him a high-five.

"Ok, people you have until the end of the period to finish. And for those who finish early." He glanced at me. "You may go on with other work once you've handed it in." everyone frantically started writing and reading and I could basically feel the stress coming from Eddie three rows behind me. Assigned seating was a must for tests so friends don't cheat. Which I hate because that means one of those two actually has to study while the lazy fucker gets a good grade.

I didn't finish early like the teacher thought since I wanted to take my time rather than just go through other work I'd already finished. Handing my paper over when the bell went with my bag in hand I waited a moment for Eddie to catch up.

"I'm not gonna lie, I answered every question!" He grinned giving me a high-five.

"See I told you, with the minimal study you're already rocking it." Eddie walked with me to my locker before leaning in more. "Ok kinda creepy, you got the tree? I need to get decorations before heading home so I thought.." I noticed him staring off into space and so clicking my fingers in front of him Eddie jolted.

"Yes I agree fair maiden, I'll be back in five." Frowning at him as he jogged off to his friends who looked pissed I sighed rolling my eyes and going back to my locker to finish putting things away.

"He cancelled a D&D session." Dustin blurted out next to me who I didn't know was here.

"Huh?" He turned to me more.

"Dungeons and dragons, he cancelled it which he never does." I shrugged my shoulders at him shutting my locker.

"I don't know what did he say?" Dustin sighed looking from the back of Eddie's head to me.

"That Christmas break was a break from our amazing adventure and he had things to do. Which I now know who. You're doing him." I glared at Dustin slapping the back of his head.

"No, I'm not Henderson. We're making a Christmas tree." He gaped at me. So shocked he couldn't speak.

"And making love." I punched his shoulder making Dustin laugh.

"One more joke about Eddie and I'll show you why I said to stay away from seniors."

"I bet that's what Eddie says to you," I growled kicking his side as Dustin laughed blocking my kick.

"Henderson dumbass, keep your mouth shut." He went to say something else but an arm went around my shoulder.

"What are you doing to my club mate?" Eddie asked in a low whisper in my ear.

"He's being a little bastard." Dustin laughed high-fiving Eddie and I frowned starting to walk off with Dustin following.

"My mum asked for you to drive me home." I sighed leaning back on the arm over my shoulder.

"After I go shopping."

"What? I have to be there right now." I shrugged at him not caring.

"Sorry but I need to get decorations and your house is in the opposite direction. Claudia can wait." Dustin groaned hitting his head with some book he had with him.

"I'll meet up with you after," Eddie called out walking off to get his car.

"He's totally head over heels." I glared at Dustin whacking his head once again.

"Shut it Henderson or no pastries."

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