Chapter six •Lovers lake•

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Eddie wasn't free most of the time after school since he was in band, some club with Dustin and his personal band it wasn't often that on weekdays but on the weekend while I was shopping for groceries Eddie came out of nowhere.

"Thought I'd find you here." Eddie beamed when spotting me. Mothers with kids pulled them out of the way while he came over to me.

"Eddie?" He grinned tapping the packet of flour I held.

"Yeah, I came for some beer. I know you don't smoke but you've got to be a drinker, if not I'm totally cool." I scoffed at him.

"How did you know I was here?" He held up his hand and shook it to make a piece of paper magically appear. "My shopping list, damn you Munson I need that." snatching it from him he chuckled while I continued going through the rows of food and grabbed some milk.

"That's why I so kindly returned it to you and of course waited for you until you showed up." I scoffed at him while Eddie batted his eyelashes at me.

"Right, stalking." It was quiet for a moment while I was bending down to get ice cream from the freezer. When turning Eddie quickly looked away. I frowned. "Staring is rude you know."

"What I wasn't staring I was thinking about your script. I read it yesterday." Well, I knew he was lying about one thing.

"Oh yeah? What you think?" He nodded flipping a bottle of Cologne in his hand.

"It was awesome loved the gore." I chuckled glancing over at him while he leaned onto a shelf only for the cereal to fall on the floor behind him.

"Smooth one Munson." He picked up the boxes while I was already walking off and Eddie ran after me.

"About the beer."

"I drink white zinfandel." Eddie laughed stopping my cart.

"Another surprise from the new girl in town." I laughed shaking my head.

"Why would I drink the shitty beer all teenagers buy?" He shrugged walking around the side of my cart and putting his arm over my shoulder.

"Touche but if I get you what you desire drinks tonight at your place." I frowned sighing. Mum didn't really want other people to see the house I'm staying at in case people knew who lived there and connected the dots.

"I'm not sure." He sighed groaning and flopped his head around.

"Come on we're friends and this secret place you're staying at I'm sure is a castle compared to my abode." Smiling rolling my eyes he grinned leaning in more. "I won't tell anyone where you live alright. If I'm good at anything it's keeping my mouth shut." Sighing I nodded. Eddie jumped and pumped the air doing a silly dance.

"Eddie stop it." He chuckled moving about more.

"see you in a bit I'll get the goods." He ran off before I could say anything more. Groaning flinging my arms down I groaned going back to my shopping.
Twenty minutes later I was putting my shopping into the back of the car when I heard one of the doors open and close.
Shutting the boot I frowned when seeing Eddie tapping the dashboard.

"Eddie, what the hell?" He shook the bottle I asked for and some beer.

"I thought why not come early I mean I didn't drive here." He always talks about how his place is too far from the shops and he isn't one to walk.

"Really?" He nodded strapping himself in.

"Yeah and I thought you could make something awesome for dinner and we could drink this fancy wine and watch some stupid cringy movie." I squinted at him and he leaned away now getting scared.

"Is this a proposal for a date?" Eddie gulped looking terrified.

"I mean yes if you say yes and no if... You know what just forget the whole idea." He went to leave the car and I hit my head on the chair resting behind me.

"Wait, Eddie." He immediately looked back in the car hopeful. "No cringy movie, I don't do that shit and you're helping cook dinner." He was excited and hopped back in the car letting me drive off.

We were coming up to lovers lake which Eddie seemed to know pretty well considering he didn't flinch when going down a dump people normally don't know about.

"I knew a guy who lived around here but he has been gone for a while." His sentence slowed down to a stop when seeing the house we stopped at. "Lipton... You're related to Rick?" I didn't say anything getting out of the car and going to the trunk. Eddie zipped over to me holding onto the alcohol in one arm. "Hey, babe I don't care if you're related I got my weed from the guy." Thought as much wouldn't put it past Rick to sell to a minor.

"He's my dad's brother and since my parents are divorced we arent talking much anymore." Taking four bags from the trunk I walked over to the front door.

"But you get to use his place while he's in jail." I shrugged kicking open the door and I noticed Eddie also bringing some stuff in.

"Yeah, I'm his favourite relative. Even if mum can't stand him, his place is cool." Eddie nodded and settled down what he was holding on the kitchen counter.

"Of course, he likes you who wouldn't." Nudging his shoulder Eddie smirked down at me while I went back out getting the last bag and locking the car. He was snooping through my music as I came back in. "And your music taste damn I'm in love." The way he turned to my hand over his heart before he flopped to the ground I knew he was joking.

"Haha, Eddie come on we're making fresh pasta for dinner." From my words his head popped up from behind the coffee table, he hid behind.

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