•chapter twentyone : Drive Steve drive!•

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"Guys be better do something now!" Steve shouted and we all looked at one another.

"Music. Do you have any here?" Robin stood and Eddie let go of my hand to run into his room. Cassettes were scattered around the floor, and I knew nothing Nancy would lil would be here.

"Steve says you need to hurry." Erica who I only met moments ago called out.

"Yeah? No shit!" Dustin screamed back tossing tapes behind him adding to the mess that already existed.

"We're trying. We can't find anything. You got anything in that handy backpack?" Robin said and I rolled my eyes at her.

"No do you think I listen to Madonna?"

"You have disinfectant but no good damn tapes!" Her scream made me check in my bag for nothing of the sort. "We need music!"

"This is music!" with Eddie's cry we heard someone plant there feet onto the ground.

"She's fine," Steve called out helping Nancy through the portal.

"Oh thank God." Dustin breathed tossing a cassette behind him into the scattered pile.

"I can't believe you don't listen to the Beatles." Robin whispered and I frowned at her. "You know a secret fan or something like that."

"I have some tapes for my mum but not on me."

"At least your mum has some taste." Steve clicked his fingers in front of us. We both blinked jolting a little.

"Hey focus. We need somewhere to hide now."

We were in Max's house across the dirt road from Eddies. She gave me some water the second we made it in which I was sipping while sitting close to Eddie.

"So uh what happened." He asked as we all stared at Nancy. She mostly looked to the ground, scared out of her mind.

"He showed me things that haven't happened yet. The most awful things. I saw a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins and this giant creature. With a gaping mouth. It wasn't alone, so many monsters. An army, there were coming into Hawkins into our neighbourhoods. Everyone was, they were all." Tears rolled down her cheeks and no one said anything for a moment. Just trying to take in what she was saying.

"Okay, but he's just trying to scare you, Nancy. I mean it's not real."

"Not yet." Her whisper made me suck in a deep breath. "But there was something else, he showed me gates. Four gates. Spreading across Hawkins. It looked like the one in eddies trailer but there didn't stop growing. This was in our Hawkins." Eddie suddenly took hold of my knee and when glancing to him to see the seriousness of his face which I didn't see often my heart almost stopped.

"Four chimes. Vecna's clock. It always chimes four times." When max spoke everyone turned to her.

"I heard them too."

"He's been telling us his plan this whole time." Well, this is all depressing.

"Four deaths. Four gates."

"If that's true he's only one kill away." Eddie let go of my knee putting his hands over his face.

"Jesus Christ Jesus!" I rubbed a hand over his back Eddie shut his eyes trying to calm down while Max was making a phone call to someone, the super powered girl I think.

"We have to go back in there. Back to the upside down." The room exploded with panic, something told me she was hit on the head by Vecna.

"Nope. No!" Eddie shook his head threading a hand through his hair.

" let's think this through." Steve said standing up from the couch. Standing opposite to Nancy.

"What is there to think through?"

"We barely made it out of there. (y/n) almost coughed to death." I gave Steve a small glare.

"Yeah because we weren't prepared, this time we will have weapons and protection."

"Or he'll kill us. The only reason you lived was because he wanted you to. He's not scared of us."

"And for good reason, we were wrong about vecna, Henry, one. Sorry, what are we calling him?" I stood quickly walking off to the bathroom and sitting down by the bathtub. We only just made it out of the ash-covered shit storm and now they want to go head first into failing to kill Vecna? Stupid stupid stupid. The door creaked open with Eddie standing there not speaking while shutting the door behind him.

"Looks like you found a nice spot." He breathed out looking out the small open window above the bath as he sat down on the shut toilet seat. "Is it a panic attack?" I shook my head.

" I think after fighting off demon bats I'm past panic attacks." Eddie chuckled hand coming down to tangle in my hair which I leant into.

"Yeah well, that was an eye-opener for sure." I turned myself to look up at him.

"Eye-opener? Eddie Steve almost died what if we go back in there and you." He quickly moved to the ground cupping my face with his hands.

"That won't happen. I've got a katana-wielding badass girlfriend right. I thought you were meant to be the strong one of this relationship." I sniffed laughing as he leant in kissing me softly for a moment. There was a good bang on the door and Dustin peaked his head in.

"Thank God you're decent. We need to get going." Eddie helped me up and I splashed my face with some water cleaning the muck off a little.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked fixing up my satchel and katana.

"War zone. With some help from my neighbours." Squinting my eyes at Eddie he grinned running all of us through the trailer park to an RV. Said owners were watching tv outside. Eddie opened a window hoping in. Once Steve went through I held my palms out.

"Dusty Bun come on." He flipped me his middle finger and I helped him in along with Erica and max. Lucas made me go in next before him. A sudden loud stereo went off and everyone turned seeing the owners banging on the window, Eddie grinned hopping from the seat grabbing my hand and tugging me onto the cushioned diner table seats. His hand wrapped over my shoulder and his happy face stayed. "You're enjoying this too much." He chuckled kissing my forehead.

"Everyone hang on to something!" Steve called out and everyone moved about.

"Drive Steve! Drive!" He drove off having them chasing after us down the road. "Shit they look pissed."

"Well I mean it's not every day you get your car and house stolen from you in one fell swoop." We all held on tight as Steve swerved around onto the main road.

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