Chapter fifteen •Walkie Talkie•

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Eddie sat next to me on the bed not long after I'd had my shower. My hair was still very wet so it was up wrapped in a towel.

"Do you know how crazy this all sounds? Demon creatures, a super-powered girl and it's happened four times now and no one is opening their fucking eyes." Standing up in my towel I started getting frustrated.

"So you don't believe any of it?" Eddie breathed out not wanting to hear what I had to say.

"Of course not. Upside down? It's all total bull." Eddie was anxious still and his leg jittered on the ground.

"Then what about what I said? What happened if not that." I sighed stopping my pacing.

"In traumatic experiences sometimes victims remember things differently. Maybe that's what's happened." Eddie groaned shaking his head.

"No (y/n) I know what happened and if you don't then.." I took hold of his hand not wanting him to leave and go God knows where.

"Ed this is a lot to take in and I may not believe everything the one thing I do know is that you would never hurt anyone." Eddie brought me into a hug which I held on tight. But then I felt Eddie tug off my towel which I laughed in response to.

"This might be our last night together," Eddie whispered obviously thinking of the worst possible outcome and I nodded in agreement falling back onto the bed with him into a tight hug.

The next day Eddie was hiding back in the boat house while I was packing my bag. For a few nights to stay with Claudia. For obvious reasons. If the police come looking for Eddie and they know I'm friends with him I would need to stay clear of this house. Jogging down the stairs locking the house doors a car was already in the driveway. The same from last night.

"Hello everyone hanging out in the boat house." I breathed and I saw Eddie eating a box of cereal. "You do know there are bowls in my kitchen and milk." Dustin looked at my bags.

"Wait where are you going?" He asked and I sighed rubbing the back of my head.

"To your place. If anyone comes looking for me I have an alibi with your mum instead of nothing." I saluted them walking back up the drive.

"So you don't believe us?" Dustin shouted and I rolled my eyes.

"About other dimensions no. All I know is that Eddie didn't do this, but if I'm the closest person to him they'll be looking at me for hiding him."

"She has a point, Dustin," Steve said and I heard the wailing of sirens. I kinda hurt my ears while they zoomed past the house. Three cop cars and an ambulance.

"It's another body." I breathed just before getting out my keys.

"(y/n) we still need to talk!" Dustin whisper shouted as I kept walking off. "(y/n)" I rolled my eyes.

"Then you'll know where I am. Claudia wants to go shopping for dinner tonight which I'm helping to make so come there for dinner and maybe we can talk about wonderland again." Getting into my car seeing Dustin flail his arms around annoyed clearly and I drove off. I already told Eddie the plan to come back in a few days but for now, I should spend some time away.

Claudia was happy to see me, almost jumping into the car when I pulled up.

"You sure you're alright to drive?" She asked as I backed out of the driveway.

"Of course. You're buying the ingredients so it only makes sense." She smiled directing me to the shop she wanted to go to first.

The shops were rather empty so when we strolled through the store. Me mostly thinking of Eddie she kept pointing out things we should get. Since I was showing her how to make homemade pizza. It was gonna be a loaded pizza that was for sure.

"What's the likely chance Dustin will be home for dinner?" I asked and she sighed.

"He's always out with his friends on the holidays, which is worrying since those murders. I'm glad you decided to spend a few nights with us." Nodding I glanced at the shopping list seeing we had everything. This is going to be a mundane break this year.

I parked the car out the front of the Henderson house and spotted dark marks on the driveway.

"I think you had a visitor Aunty Claudia," I called out and she huffed seeing the marks.

"Darn kids, doing wheelies out here." Laughing at her went went inside to get started on dinner.

"(y/n)!" I jolted awake in the small bedroom Claudia had for guests. Dustin stood there and glanced at the time it was only 7.

"What the hell Dustin. It's 7." Covering myself with the blanket a pillow was slammed into my face. "Fuck off." I gritted out not wanting Claudia to hear me.

"You ran off yesterday before I could give you a walkie talkie. Here." It was at the nightstand and I groaned rolling over. "And what the shit are you doing relaxing when your soul mate is sleeping in a boat." I took the pillow he hit me with and did the same to him.

"I can't help him, Henderson. This is the best thing for him. When the cops ask me where I've been I can say hanging out with Claudia the past three days or seeing a movie and I wasn't relaxing I'm sleeping like any normal fucking teenager on spring break." Dustin rolled his eyes fixing his backpack. "Where are you going?"

"To find Vecna." Bloody Vecna again. Scoffing I flopped back down into bed hearing Dustin leave the house before falling back to sleep once again.

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