Chapter eight •Marry fucking Christmas•

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Warnings: sexual content

"Merry Christmas!" Claudia cheered as I opened the door to their place. I grinned walking in happily with my gifts in hand and Claudia gripped me in a big hug anyway.

"Dusty bun I got you something." I giggled while he groaned flopping onto the couch.

"I said stop it with the nickname." waving him off he ripped open the shirt seeing the shirt ingot him. "Holy...." He stopped when seeing his mum standing right near him. "An MTV shirt awesome." He held it up to his chest showing his mum.

"And Claudia." I smiled handing her a smaller box. She gasped when opening it to see a necklace with a small heart at the end. "From mum and me. We split it." She came over hugging me then took me over to the dinner table for dinner.

"I'm sorry your mum couldn't be here," Claudia said for the tenth time while we ate.

"She did try but all the flights were cancelled because of the weather and she's across the country. It's alright I told her next Christmas we'll have to spoil ourselves." She laughed nodding her head as we finished off the desserts. It was an earlier night than I would have thought since there were only three of us after playing some game she told me to head off home for the night and to come back for new year's. Nudging Dustin before heading off back home only at eight the roads were filled with parked cars all the way up to the lake house. Humming a soft Christmas tune to myself I didn't see Eddie's car so he must still be at his uncle's trailer.

Kicking off the snow from my boots I got rid of my things inside before walking out to the dock. I was so full from all the food that sitting down inside would mean I'd fall right asleep. The lake wasn't completely frozen over but the edges were icy, kicking off some snow I sat down looking up at the cloudy night sky watch my breath in the air. Not moving for some time I saw bright lights not too far from the house. Must be Eddie.

"Hey what are you doing out here?" He asked walking over to me and sitting down directly on some snow. His ass is gonna be soaked.

"Waiting for you and thinking I guess." He hummed before quickly handing me my gift.

"It cost me an arm and a leg but I figured your worth it." It was a denim jack similar to his with the ripped chains on the ends and a print on the back but it was black and had my favourite band on it.

"Holy shit Eddie. I love it." Admiring it for a moment I looked at the details. Grinning at him I put it over the jacket I already wore. "Now we match." Nudging his side I glanced back at him and quickly kissed his cheek. "Thank you." I jumped up from the dock to get his present but he stopped me when I stood holding my hand.

"Where are you going?" I pointed inside.

"To get my gift for you silly." Eddie groaned standing back up tugging me into him.

"No where are you going after giving me a sad little kiss like that." I scoffed at him rolling my eyes.

"Sad little kiss? I'm a fantastic kisser mind you so anything from me is spectacular." Going to cross my arms Eddie pulled me in tighter so our chests touched.

"Prove it." Freezing for a moment I blinked at him staring into his big eyes not sure what to do. Then to my surprise, he leant in pressing his lips onto mine for a long soft kiss. Melting away in Eddie's lips I leant in wrapping both arms around his neck unable to stop a longing moan. Right after he quickly parted from my lips. "Was that a good moan or a bad moan?" Rolling my eyes at him I pushed him back down by his shirt. "Good moan got it." He spoke while our mouths opened to one another.

"Define a bad one." I panted not stopping the kiss and Eddie groaned sneaking a hand under my layers of clothing.

"Later." He breathed out onto my lips and I bit onto his.

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