Chapter fourteen •Back to the real world•

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After a long night of hearing Eddie mumble things about a dead body and snapping bones my first guess was, he took too much of something. So after getting him to bed assuming once the drugs wore off in the morning he would be fine.

But he wasn't in fact I couldn't find him. It was like a game of hide and seek which I lost horribly. Couldn't call anyone because what if something did happen. Not to mention when I woke up it was already five at night. Well, I was up until four trying to calm Eddie to sleep. He's never acted like this before.

Distracting myself with baking some pastries I noticed the nachos I got him were eaten. At least he has an appetite. He'll be back surely by tomorrow to explain himself. Some part of me knew it couldn't be what I thought it was. Eddie has a mushy heart. Yelping when the doorbell rang at least twenty times I cleaned my hands with a hand towel jogging to the door.

"(y/n)!" Dustin gasped out and I saw the small party of people he was with. "What the fuck are you doing here. Rick the drug dealer is meant to live here!" Fuck what the hell.

"Dustin, what the shit little man, did your mum tell you about this?"

"What's my mum got to do with any of this?" An older guy next to him leant against the frame of the door and nudged Dustin to the side.

"What is all this about how do you two know each other?" Steve Harrington? I hear girls talking about him at school.

"We're cousins." Dustin quickly said turning back to me. "We're looking for Eddie."  I blinked at him, what did Eddie do.

"Hold up you two are cousins?" Robin, she's in band with Eddie, we talked a bit while I waited for him.

"Yes, on my mum's side but that's not the issue here!"

"Why are you all looking for Eddie?" They stopped bickering and my heart nearly stopped. Something terrible has happened.

"Because we think he saw something yesterday." I frowned at the four of them confused out of my mind of why they had to be so vague about it.

"Has he been here acting strange?" Steve asked and I froze in place.

"Yeah, but what does that... Why do you guys have flashlights?"

"Hey, guys!" The younger girl asked and I leant out from the front door. "What's that?" She asked and I shut the door behind me.

"It's a dock for the little boat here. Never cleaned it up." She started walking over as did the others but I grabbed Dustin's backpack. "What the hell is all this? Why is this fucked up Scoobydoo gang looking for my boyfriend." Dustin smirked at me and I realised we never really told anyone that the two of us were dating.

"So you two are dating." I hit his head. "We think he's in trouble, something happened to Chrissy and we know Eddie is just a bystander." Dustin started going off towards the boat house and I took a moment to process what he was saying. Walking down to see what the hell they were doing there was a loud shout from everyone turning my walk into a sprint.

"Eddie, Eddie stop!" Dustin shouted as I slammed open the boat house door. There Eddie was holding a broken beer bottle to Steve's neck.

"Eddie what the fuck!" I yelled and everyone turned to see me and shoving past them. "Eddie drop the bottle and can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on!"

I listened to Eddie talk for ten minutes and I wouldn't have believed him but with how shaken he still was and everyone else in the room just stared at him fully invested in the story.

"You all think I'm crazy don't you." He glanced towards me and I bit my lip.

"No, we don't," Dustin said and I stood up from my crouching position.

"Don't bullshit me man I know how this sounds ." His voice broke and he almost started crying again. Gulping at the sight a clump in my throat raised up.

"Look what I'm about to tell you and I guess (y/n) might be difficult to take." Dustin glanced back at me. Everyone in this room is high. "You know how everyone always says Hawkins is cursed. Well, there not that far off. There's another world. A world beneath Hawkins. Sometimes it bleeds into ours."

"Like ghosts and shit." I couldn't believe what I was hearing and rolled my eyes opening the boat house door.

"(y/n) where are you going?" Dustin said and I turned back to them.

"The real world Dustin. You five are scaring the shit out of me and fantastic acting by the way but please stop this bullshit about other worlds  because life isn't a D&D game." Heaving this out tears rolled down my cheeks. "So please tell me the truth because one more lie." A gasp burst into my sentence and I couldn't breathe it wasn't Asthma that was for sure.

"Shit, it's her Asthma," Dustin said and Eddie pushed past him.

"No, it's not. Panic attack." Eddie brought his hand to hold mine. I'd mentioned my trouble with panic attacks that I got often because of my Asthma. They kinda merged together for a time in middle school. "(y/n) just focus on me ok? Deep breathing, follow me alright." We breathed together and just staring into his eyes I knew Eddie was terrified still. That's when I broke down crying and pulled him into me. "That's it." He whispered into my ear and I notice him turning his head to look back at the others. "How about you go inside and have a shower?" Nodding not looking back Eddie walked me to the door kissing my cheeks.

"Please tell me everything is ok." I breathed out and Eddie rubbed my palms for a moment.

"Let's just talk afterwards ok? When the others explain everything to me." A shaky breath left me and Eddie let me go to the bathroom.

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