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Third Person Pov.

"Drive dammit."  Arya hit her steering wheel shouting at the car in-front of her. Not only was she late but in less than forty-five minutes she would have to be in a meeting assisting her boss. The cars started to move gradually giving her access to exit the traffic with a shortcut.

She took a quick right and drove off to work, luckily reaching the building fifteen minutes later than her usual time, she was fustrated with the whole morning.

Not only did she feel embarrassed from earlier today's encounter with Killian, she also was mad to have ruined her perfect two years worth of streak on early arrival. Arya put her ring on and stared at it, she knew people would ask a lot of questions on her new jewel.

Maybe she should take it off? She thought, it would minimise any suspicions of her new 'romantic relations'. But yet again she didn't really talk to anyone in the office, except for Kendall the secretary receptionist at the front desk for Killian's floor.

Kendall was a sweet girl, a stunning red-haired, with green eyes. Very smart young girl at the same age as Arya, but Kendall's only problem was her big mouth. She knew everything and told everyone, she had the latest buzz on everyone's lives, due to her likeable personality people trusted her.

Arya was friends with Kendall and they were very close, but she knew better than to trust her with every information.

Arya exited the elevator and walked into the long hallway past Kendall, they smile at one another. "You're later than usual?" Kendal said whispering so that their boss wouldn't hear them.

Arya brushed her hair back glancing at the clock above her friend's head. "I completely missed my alarm." She lied, her friend nodded and smiled, "it's fine though you haven't missed out on much, the meeting is in thirty minutes so you have enough time to prepare."

Arya smiled and walked off to her office, she dropped off her bag and grabbed her notepad and tablet. Two knocks on her boss's door later, and he invited her in. "Morning Miss James."

"Morning, I'm sorry I'm late." The man behind the desk looked up at her, and closed his pen lid giving her his undivided attention, "that's fine, but don't make it a habit." He warned.

She nodded and read out his schedule, "I'll go prepare the meeting now." She announced about to open the door to leave. "The ring.." he paused.

"Did you lik- find it suiting?" He fixed his first statement.

Arya smiled at her fiancé and nodded. "Yes, it's actually beautiful, I didn't know if you wanted me to wear it here or not?"

"Whatever you're comfortable with, but I would have preferred you wore it occasionally outside of home as well." He played with the pen in his hand.

"It's in my purse, i'll put it on before the meeting," she offered. Killian was pleased and nodded, he excused her so she could prepare the meeting room.

Time passed and she finally had prepared everything, the flash card laid in her hold. She looked around and down in her hand to see no ring, Arya remembered she had made a promise to Killian to wear it. She left the meeting room and walked to her office, quickly taking the ring and putting it on her left hand.

In the hall way when she was walking back, she remembered that the flash card was still on her desk from a minute ago. Again she re-visited her office and grabbed it. When she walking back to me meeting room  a man in a white suite called out to her.

"Excuse me Miss?" Arya turned her head to the fine man, he stood taller than her, just the same height as Killian. He was no where as handsome as Arya's fake lover though, he had broad shoulders and jet black hair. He looked East Asian and older by some years than the girl.

"What can I help you with?" She asked, he smiled exposing one of the most perfect smiles. "I seem to be lost, I have a meeting to attend with Killian Evans, but I don't know where I am supposed to be."

"Oh let me take you, I'm heading there now." He thanked her and walked closely behind, not falling to admire her built and the way her dark waves bounced with each step she took. Arya texted Killian to come to the meeting room as it was time for the meeting to commence.

He read the notification and prepared his stuff, when Killian walked into the room he saw an distasteful sight bestowed in-front of him. Arya was laughing at a men seated in-front off her.

She covered her smile in laughter, Killian cleared his throat and walked in. The two paid attention to him, "Long time no see friend." The stranger exchanged with Killian.

More men filled the room, "should have stayed that way." Killian said shaking his friend's hand firmly with a hateful smile. "We'll catch up after yeah?"

All the other men sat on either side of the table, Arya sat next to Killian, their knees touching. "Good morning to you all." Arya stood out of her chair and postured up. Some men spoke or nodded.

Arya presented their proposal to demolish an old rotting building and build a new apartment complex. Questions were thrown at her and Killian. She had handled the answers well, but one older gentleman kept insulting her presentation.

Killian wasn't having any of it, he stood up making everyone stare at him, his hand wrapped it's self around Arya's waist and he leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Sit, i'll handle this."

"Mr Montgomery please find the right words to say or find your way out, you're even lucky to be sitting in this meeting. I will end your whole career don't push me, and apologise to Miss James!" He said in a composed yet intimidating voice.

"I won't apologise to a wench, she's probably fucking you to be here." Montgomery said 'quietly' but everyone heard him loud enough. The man from earlier on sat next to Montgomery.

Stunned and agitated by the old man's words he stood up holding his collar, "OUT NOW!" he shouted in the man's face, holding him and dragging him out. Everyone watched in amazement.

Arya was sitted, tears collected in her eyes, one blind she would be crying. "Can I be excused?" She whispered to her boss, he looked at her with guilt and anger. "Of course, we can end the meeting if you want."

"No no, business is business carry on I'll be back shortly." She said smiling and walking out the other exit. She walked with elegance to the bathroom but when she reached the door, her body felt weak. Alone, her tears trickled down her olive face.


oml not the two guys fighting for her, also new character? um there's definitely tension between Killian and mr white suit.

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