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"your daughter, my lover"

Wake up." I shook Arya, she had dozed to sleep soon after we got on the plane. She turned her head and groaned tiredly, "I know you're tired baby but wake up." It was becoming natural for me to call her nicknames, even though it had been a couple of days since I confessed.

I guess a part of me had been wishing for this to happen for some time. Arya was great, a dime you know, I noticed this when we started working together, my appreciation for her was platonic until some months in. I was too scared to feel again so I blocked it off, in protection of my own feelings but the girl won my heart.

I watched her as she stirred under the duvet revealing herself. "What time is it?" She asked laying on top of my chest, "it's two in the morning, we landed and we have to go to the hotel now." My voice was low, not wanting to be too loud for her just woken up self.

"Okay let me get ready." She got up holding her mouth with her hand, yawning and stretching. She was about to take off her clothes but stopped, "can you turn around?".

"I've seen it all before," I joked but she was serious, "Killian please." She said almost too quiet I couldn't catch it.

"Yeah sure, but why?" I don't know why but I pried, she sighed and looked at the mirror infront of her. "I know your previous girls had slimmer bodies and it's probably not a pretty sight to see me naked."

Yeah no.

I got up and walked over to her, my head leaned on her shoulder, luckily she wasn't too short. "Arya look straight ahead, you see this," I kissed her shoulder. "beautiful."

My lips trailed get neck, thighs, legs, arms and face leaving kisses. "Most sexiest woman I've ever laid eyes on," and it was true, Arya is stunning, her body was my addiction.

"And best of all this," my arms cradled her lower stomach, "this is beautiful, a place were you will bare my children, my favourite place to be inside of," I cheesed kissing her.

She slapped my shoulder playfully, "gosh I hate you," she laughed fully undressing. I assisted her on putting on her clothes, making sure she was smiling with me.

"Should we get everything and go?" I asked behind her still holding her, she nodded and turned around to her luggage, packing everything back into the suitcase.

Outside the cold breeze hit us, I cradled Arya into my arms and took our backs for me to worry of, she thanked me and we made our way to the airport entrance. To be frank I wasn't expecting anyone to be waiting for us, but Arya's name was screamed by a group of people.

She looked a little embarrassed but happy nevertheless, a girl about nine years came running to us. She hugged Arya and swung around, seeing how happy my girl was around her family was beautiful.

The two didn't let go of each other until everyone came to us, they shook my hands introducing theirselves. One of the girls around Arya's age kept eyeing me, making my skin fold in uncomfortability, but I ignored that.

One person who made me truly hide under my skin was an older gentleman, someone who I presume to be Arya's father. He shook my hand with such strength and a stern face. "Michael James, who are you?" His voice was deep and cold.

"I'm Killian, Killian Evans sir. Arya's fiancé." His face cringed at the mention of fiancé, he turned to his daughter and smiled hugging her but soon that expression had changed as fast as it had appeared, "what's this about a fiancé and not telling me?" He asked Arya.

I see where her expressions came from because soon after she pulled the same face he had, "dad can we talk about this later?" She kissed his cheek and hugged him, like any father he couldn't stay made at her, he hugged her back and kissed her forehead.

Arya's family was large, so many people were at their house waiting for her arrival, to be honest it was like a parade, and as someone who came from a small family, remembering everyone's name was a challenge.

"I'm sorry there's so many people, I didn't know they would be this many to be honest." Arya walked up to me with a baby in her hand, she looked like a natural, to be honest anyone could mistaken her as the mother of the little girl. The little girl in her arms played with Arya's long curls bouncing them.

"It's honestly fine, everyone is nice." I said holding her hand, Arya scoffed. "You haven't been around them long enough trust me, but besides that my father wants to talk to you."

"Oh, well wish me luck," I got up and kissed her on the cheek. She directed me to the backyard, for a large house it was small but cozy with soccer balls left on the soft green grass. "Sir," I announced myself, he didn't bother to look my way but tilted his head knowingly towards my direction. "Call me Michael or pa if I like you enough." He sipped from his beer bottle.

There was a chair next to him, facing forward, I sat down unsure on what to say. "What made you fall for her, my daughter she's not the type of girl you fall for. She's very opinionated and strong, men are scared of her. But she's loving, so what part of her did you fall for?"

"I don't know." I said looking at the beer bottle he had handed me that sat between my palm. "Maybe everything really." he glanced at me, but my eyes couldn't meet his, I was in my world reminiscing my time with Arya.

"To be honest with you, I had too much pride I never gave myself time to notice her, she changed me though, after six months of her employment two years go she was crying, obviously I didn't ask her due to my selfishness but the whole company was mentioning her partner cheating. I saw a different part of her that day, when she walked into my office with tears in her eyes she acted profession and I felt guilty, I apologised and she smiled. It was that moment I realised how ungrateful I had been of her, her smile instead of making me smile broke me."

Michael took a drink again and nodded, a smile forming on the once so stern face.

"After that each day she would master a smile, and write little smiles on my coffee every morning, when I needed her she was there for everything. And my feelings got to me, I had sworn to not love again and I didn't but rather I found my love for the first time. I know it seems soon but I've truly wanted your daughter for more than a year and a half, and I was lucky enough for her to forgive my arrogance and want me too. So this time I ask you properly, do you permit me to love Arya Rose James?"

Michael stood up and walked in-front of me, he extended his hand for me to grab, I took it and got up. In an instant he pulled me into a hug, not a 'side' hug but a proper hug as if we had known each other for longer than three hours. "You're truly her half, but if you hurt her I will still hunt you down." He laughed.

Although concerned by his warning, I smiled too and hugged him. He broke the hug and rubbed his stomach, "you smell that? dinner." He exclaimed and walked into the buzzing home. I wasn't a man who believed on God but this moment made me grateful for him.

I looked up at the shining sky, and internally thanked him, for this opportunity, and for Arya, Arya Rose James.

sooo cheesy killian 😏 but very cute - I can't wait for someone to love me like he loves Arya!!!! 😫

these are just our desires really 😭

anyways vote n comment! thank you for over 25k reads and over 900 votes so grateful.

I'm not sure if I want to continue on tiktok or just throw all my writing ideas here (imagine book being made!)

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