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Third Person Pov

Killian sat in his office late afternoon doing paperwork, it was a usual thing for him but his mind was elsewhere. He wondered what Arya did in her office, he shouldn't care but his day with her was calming. If he could resume or reenact it he would.

He thought of the events, and remembered she hadn't signed the contract yet, he was pleased she had agreed to signing it and helping him out but a part of him was disappointed she would most likely move on after the five months.

What Killian didn't know was that he cared for her, despite his many attempts of seeming 'tough'. His actions towards her were much larger than his words, whenever he heard her voice his head would turn straight to her and listen even if she was speaking to someone else.

In this very moment Killian wanted to hear her again, "Miss James to my office please." He danced his pen between his fingers and waited for her to come through the doors. Not a moment later she appeared holding her iPad in her hand, "you called for me?"

"Um yes, the contract if you wanted to sign it now." He stood up and walked around his desk so that they were face to face. She nodded and placed her iPad down, "Do I just sign here?" She pointed on the paper.

Killian took this moment to get a tad closer to his assistant, he leaned down hands in his pocket. "Yes, and there as well." He pointed, instructing her on where she had to sign. Her hand drew on the paper and Killian admired her from the side.

He was just realising how her plump cheeks would slightly move when she clenched her jaw. It was adorable, she looked like a bunny to him, he also noticed the hair that she kept tugging away from her face.

Without thinking his hand reached to her face and brushed it to her ear, Arya flinched slightly at the touch on her skin, she turned her head and looked at him, eyes dropping to his rosy plump lips.

"Thank you." It was almost like a whisper to him, he nodded unable to say anything to her just watching her. Both of them did not know what to do in that moment, so they turned their heads. "I'll have it photocopied so that you have your own copy by tonight."

"Great, oh and what did you want to eat tonight?" Arya asked her fiancé.

"Anything is fine." Killian answered, a quiet cool came from Arya. Then things got awkward again, as always between the two, Arya excused herself and left the office. Killian resumed his work with moments of his distracted by the thought of Arya.


Arya finished her work and glanced at the clock, it was late hours and time to go home. She packed her desk up and went to knock on Killian's office, he told her to come in. She did so, and noticed he sat in dim light.

"Are you going home or staying later?" Killian looked up at her, "going soon," he said stretching his neck seeming uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" She stepped closer into the office. Killian formed a tired smile, "Just a bit sore," he squeezed the back of his neck trying to massage it.

Arya could understand his pain, so she decided to help him, crossing boundaries once more. "May I?" She extended her hand out, Killian looked at her confused.

She walked over and stood behind him, Killian went to turn his head but she put her palm under his chin to turn it back to the front, her hands left his face and loosened his tie, he watched her hands travel down his shirt, unbuttoning the first two white buttons.

"Please let me know if I'm making you uncomfortable." She stopped, as her hands laid on his collarbone. "No carry on." He said squeezing her hand softly.

Arya obliged and felt his skin under her warm hands, she dug her fingers in his skin massaging all the tense muscles. Killian felt relaxed under he touch, he would grunt lowly from the pain being released by each dig. "You are very tense." Arya said, Killian smiled laughing at himself.

"Being crouched over everyday does that to you." He confessed, both the two understood this, just as much as Killian enjoyed this, Arya wished it was her in the chair getting massaged.

"Arya, do you wish to ever marry?" Killian asked out the blue, Arya thought to herself. Everyone did at some point in their life, "Of course, but I think I never will really." She said, Killian tilted his head to the side slightly trying to glance at her.

"And why is that?" He questioned, she sighed, her messages becoming lighter. "I don't think a man will love me, like I love me."

"And if one does, or does better?" He drew the question further.

"Then I will know I've found the person, but do you? I mean do you wish to marry?" She asked him back, it was now his turn to think.

"Yes, but I think I'm too hard to love, my personality is too much for many people. It could be pride or self-love but whatever it is, it's intimidating to women." He said tapping his finger on the tap.

Arya noticed this, he would always tap something or fidget, it was such a normal thing for him to do, he probably didn't realise it. "I'm sure the right woman for you will see this side of you."

"And what side is that?"

"The side that your mother and father see, it side that smiles at small things and laughs and ridiculous moments. You know the real side of you, not the boss."

"Thank you." He squeezed the land that laid on his shoulder. Both of them had not noticed she stopped massaging him, he felt slightly better, like he had taken a great stretch. 

"We should probably go right?" She said backing away, taking her hand out of his grasp.

"It is getting late." The two collected their  items and left the office building.

okay but like their little moments make me so single n i wrote this 😭😭

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