Chapter 1

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"Freya! Come on stop hiding!" My mother Frigga said coming down the hallway looking for me as I hid around the dark corner.

"Fifi, she will find you eventually." My older brother Loki said manifesting in the corner with me scaring me half to death. I shoved him.

"Shut up Loki, she has another suitor here for me to meet and I am tired of it." I said and Loki smiled.

"Fifi, you are the goddess of love. Do you know how it looks having the goddess of love not wanting to meet a man." Loki said and I sighed.

"Loki not all of us want to live up to the titles we were giving live you do." I said and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Sorry Fifi, got to do this." He said and shoved me out into the open and then disappeared as I almost ran into someone. I looked up and saw my oldest brother Thor.
"Mother is looking for you little one." He said and I groaned.

"I know, hide me." I said and he chuckled.

"I can't. You need to just suffer through it." Thor said and he linked my arm in his as he walked me towards the sitting room where my mother was approaching from the other way.

"There you are, thank you for finding her Thor." Frigga said and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her.

"Mother please don't make me do this..." I whined.

"Frey, you need to embrace your title." Frigga said adjusting my hair and I sighed.

"Who is this guy?" I asked peeking in the sitting room.

"His name is Bragi, God of eloquence and poetry." Frigga said and I groaned.

"Okay fine, I will go meet with him but I am not promising anything." I said and Frigga groaned.

"I know you aren't but just try..." Frigga said.

"Well I must say my goodbye ladies." Thor said and I whipped around to look at him.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Midgard. I need to check in." Thor said and I pouted.

"I wish I could go to Midgard. I have never been." I said and Thor placed a hand on my cheek.

"Oh little one you should see it. Maybe I can take you sometime." Thor said and Frigga looked at him in shock.

"You will not. She does not belong on Midgard. She is far too naïve. They will eat her up." Frigga said and I huffed a laugh.

"They aren't cannibals mother. Please just let me go and visit once. I may not even like it." I begged and she shook her head.
"No Freya, final word. Now go into your meeting." Frigga said and I walked into the sitting room where a server was serving drinks already. I smiled as I entered the room and he stood up.

"Lady Freya, don't you look absolutely lovely today." Bragi said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said offering him my hand like I had to do and he kissed it. We sat down to get to know each other.

*****THOR POV*****

"Mother, not that I want to overstep but why are you forcing this on her?" I asked as my mother and I walked.

"Thor, this is her destiny." Frigga said.

"Yes but what's to say her match is even in his realm or maybe he is a commoner. She isn't finding anyone here. Let me take her to Midgard, maybe her match is there. Even if he isn't all the avengers would love to meet her. Let me at least take her for a visit." I said and Frigga shook her head.

"I already let you and Loki go to Midgard, isn't that enough?" Frigga said.

"So 2 of your 3 children can go? Let her visit." I said and Frigga shook her head and stopped walking.

"No Thor, final word." Frigga said and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Be safe Thor, see you in a few days." Frigga said and walked away. Loki came walking up to me.

"We have to do something Freya needs time out of Asgard." Loki said and I nodded.

"We will work something out. You ready to go?" I asked Loki and he nodded as we headed to the Bifrost to leave.

*****NORMAL POV*****

I had sat with Bragi for about an hour and we got a long very well I couldn't feel it going any further and I was maybe just to be a friendship which was more than I could say for others I had been forced to meet. I was sitting in my room reading when my mother knocked and walked in.

"How did it go dear?" She asked sitting on my bed and I sighed.

"Good friend mom, nothing else." I said and she sighed.

"Frey, you need to stop being picky and just give these guys a chance." Frigga said.

"Mother please...I just don't think there is anyone here for me. I may have the Goddess of Love title but it's not for me, at least not near here. You said I would feel it when it hit, well haven't felt anything." I said and she sighed.

"Well will get keep trying Frey." She said and left my room and I groaned once she was gone for the fact she wasn't even listening. A few hours later one of my mothers ladies in waiting brought in a food tray with dinner and I was grateful I was not expected to entertain the notion of eating with my mother. Later that night I was crawled into bed to fall into a fitful sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night and got dressed and walked down the Bifrost running into Heimdall.

"Lady Freya." He said and bowed and I smiled.

"I was wondering if you could show me again." I said and he smiled.

"You know your mother told me not to anymore." He said and I sighed and gave him a pouty face.

"But I can't say no to you." Heimdall said. He switch the view of the galaxy to Midgard just landscapes and views. I smiled seeing everything and the people. He then switched the view to Thor and Loki and I smiled seeing them at a party with some people.

"The Avengers?" I asked and Heimdall nodded.

"Some on them, some are missing, gone on a mission." Heimdall said and I nodded.

"Right..." I said and sighed.

"Thank you Heimdall." I said.

"Always a pleasure Lady Freya." Heimdall said as I walked back to the palace. I wiped away the tears rolling down my face knowing I belonged somewhere other than Asgard, I always felt that way and Midgard always pulled my heart. 

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