Chapter 11

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Steve and Frigga were in the library and no one was saying anything.

"Steve, you need to understand that I want Freya to have the very best in life and that includes as a partner." Frigga said and Steve nodded.

"I do understand that Queen Frigga....-" He started to say.

"Frigga is fine." Frigga said and Steve gave a small nod.

"I understand you want the best for her Frigga but also please understand I would never do anything to hurt her. I have feelings for Frais...Freya." Steve said almost saying her nickname then stopping and Frigga shook her head.

"Steve did she tell you what she was goddess of?" Frigga asked.

"Love, yeah she told me." Steve said.

"Then what you need to understand is she needs to find her soulmate so she can get married and have children and she needs to find that mate on Asgard." Frigga said.

"Why does it have to be Asgard?" Steve asked.

"That's the way it has to be. She has to find someone on Asgard so the people can look up to her and see the love she has and believe in love themselves." Frigga said and Steve groaned.

"Frigga I have grown to have strong feelings for Freya. She told me what she felt with me and I felt the same. She is an amazing woman and I know she needs to be on Asgard but what if she can never find what she and I have there? You would make her be alone forever?" Steve asked.

"If that's what it takes..." Frigga said and Steve groaned.

"So her being alone and unhappy the rest of her life is okay with you?" Steve asked and Frigga didn't answer him. Steve went to leave the room.

"I am going to go see Freya, I'm sorry Frigga but you can't keep me away from her." Steve said.

"She isn't here. Thor took her back to Asgard." Frigga said and I just looked at her.

"What?" Steve asked feeling his heart shatter.

"I had to take her away from the distraction that is you Steve so she is back in Asgard." Frigga said and Steve stormed out of the library and walked directly to the room Freya has been staying in to see her gone. He also noticed the book and figurine were missing. He then left and went looking at Thor. He found him walking in the front door. Steve rushed up to him.

"Where is she?" I asked pining Thor against the wall.

"I'm sorry Steve, I have to listen to my mother." Thor said and pushed Steve off of him.

"Take me to Asgard." Steve said and Thor hung his head.

"I can't Steve, I'm sorry." Thor said and Steve just lost all control and punched Thor across the face. Thor didn't fight back and Steve just stood there.

"I will never forgive you." Steve said as Frigga approached and he looked at her.

"Either of you, you can't see that Freya was happy. Sorry if we went against your rules or whatever you have set for her, I'm sorry but she meant a lot to me in the last few days. I haven't felt the way I felt about her in a long time towards anyone. She is who I wanted to spend my life with." Steve said and walked away from them.

"Mother, are you sure this was a smart move?" Loki asked approaching his mother.

"I did what I had to do." Frigga said and Thor said walking his mother outside and Loki just stood there.

*****NORMAL POV*****

I laid in my bedroom and just cried as I looked at the ceiling just playing through my short time with Steve. I felt like he had been ripped from me, he kind of had been. I never got to tell him goodbye. I wasn't sure how long I had been laying there but I knew the sun was setting. There was a knock on my door.

"Go away." I said.

"Miss Freya..." I heard a ladies maid of my mother's say and come walking in.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Queen Frigga wishes your presences in the dining room for dinner." She said and I huffed a laugh.

"Please tell my mother I will not be joining her at all, for any meal, any time of the day and I don't wish to see her. Thor either." I said. She went to protest but walked out. Once she was gone I peeked out the door and noticed the guards by my door which meant there would be no sneaking out to go back to Earth. I just went and laid on my bed and grabbed the book Steve recommended and just started reading.

*****3 DAYS LATER*****

I had still not left my room for 3 days I was so happy I had my own bathroom connected to my room and I could still bath and everything. A ladies maid had been bringing me food so I wouldn't starve and my mother had been trying to see me but I refused. I was reading in bed late one night when I heard my mothers voice outside my door dismissing the guards. My door opened and I was looking at my mother wasn't my mother, something was off I could tell.

"Loki?" I asked and he changed back to himself. I smiled and hugged him.

"What are you doing?" I asked and Loki smiled at me.

"Everyone is entitled to true love Fifi. I'm taking you to yours." Loki said and I smiled at him. I hugged Loki and he took my hand as we quickly but quietly left my room after I grabbed the Wonderful Wizard of Oz book and figurine. We made it to Heimdall and he just looked at Loki and I.

"I am under strict ordered by the queen to not allow passage to you Goddess." Heimdall said and I groan and look at Loki.

"Nice try but I'm a prisoner in Asgard now. I can't leave and I cant be in love with the man I want to be in love with." I said. I then noticed Loki and Heimdall look at me oddly.

"What?" I asked.

"You said love Fifi." Loki said and shook my head.

"I may have but it doesn't mean I love him right now, I just want the chance to see if it gets there." I said and went to walk away.

"Can I see him at least?" I asked and Heimdall sighed and just looked at me with tears in my eyes.

"I never saw you." Heimdall said and opened up the portal. I smiled rushed over to him and kissed his cheek and then grabbed Loki's hand.

"Let's go save the Captain from his pity party." Loki said and I smiled. 

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