Chapter 12

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Since it was the middle of the night when Loki came to my room it was the middle of the night when we arrived back at the compound and I sighed.

"Is Thor here?" I asked as we walked in the compound.

"I thought of the plan and I am heading to Asgard now to deal with mother in the morning." Thor said coming in from the dark living room and I smiled hugging him.

"Thank you Thor." I said and he placed a hand on my cheek.

"You can't help who you feel the spark with little one. Go get your captain." Thor said and I smiled heading up to the bedrooms. I ran into Wanda who is heading back from getting a drink.

"Frey?!" She asks excited and rushed to hug me and I smiled.

"Hey, yeah. Loki busted me out. I was on my way to Steve now." I said and she smiled.

"He will be very happy you are back." Wanda said and I smiled.

" you know if Steve is a light sleeper?" I asked and she sighed.

"I don't really. I guess you just have to test it for yourself." Wanda said and I smiled. I walked into the room that was mine and I grabbed some shorts and tank top and changed. I also put the book and figurine back on the bedside table. I then walked to Steve's room and lightly knocked on the door but he didn't answer. When I opened the door I heard a soft snoring inside and I smiled knowing he was fast asleep. I saw he was closer to one side of the bed so I got in and laid on the other. I was facing Steve and I looked at his face and I could see the worry lines etched in his face from the pain of me being gone had most likely caused. I gently ran my fingers down his check and he sighed in his sleep.

"I'm here Steve, you don't have to worry anymore." I whispered and his shoulders seemed to untense and I cuddled into his chest, got under the covers with him and quickly drifted off to sleep.

*****STEVE POV*****

I woke up the next morning with my arms wrapped around someone and I wasn't quite sure what was going on until I opened my eyes and noticed the golden-brown hair fallen over the face and I knew exactly who it belong too and I smiled knowing she was back. I wasn't sure what time she got back or if I was still dreaming but if I was dreaming I didn't want to wake up. I gently tucked the hair behind her ear off her face and she slightly stirred.

"Oh Fraisy..." I said as she cuddled more into me which I didn't think was possible. I heard a small knock on the door and I sighed.

"Come in." I whispered loudly and the door opened and I saw Nat and Bucky.

"Wanda said she is back..." Nat said and I pointed to the sleeping figure beside me. Nat and Bucky both smiled.

"We will let her sleep. I just had to see." Nat said and I smiled.

"We will be down later." I said and they nodded shutting the door. I got more comfortable and sighed having her in my arms.

*****NORMAL POV*****

I heard Nat come in and I knew Bucky was with her but I didn't want to entertain anyone but Steve right now. Steve gripped me a little tighter as he got comfortable again and I finally had to say something since my air supply was being cut off.

"I might be a goddess Rogers but I am still breakable." I said with a small laugh and he chuckled. I look up at him and his lips crashed to mine. His tongue quickly invaded my mouth and I moaned. Steve rolled us so he was hovering over me and I smiled. Steve placed his hands on my hips and I bucked up to him instinctively. He moaned as we made out. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with the hair at the nape of his neck. We broke apart mostly to catch our breath and Steve was looking at me.

"Friasy...have you ever...?" Steve asked and I blushed.

"Steve you were my first kiss. You really think I got to do more?" I asked and he leaned down and placed his forehead on my mine and I closed my eyes.

"I wont force you to go any further. Only as far as you want to." Steve said and I nodded.

"I understand. Sorry I bucked earlier." I said and he shook his head removing his forehead from mine.

"It was fine. I just you to know I'm waiting for you. Your set the pace here." Steve said and I nodded.

"Well how about you just kiss me some more, I mean I have been gone 3 days." I said and Steve growled with a smile and his lips were about to connect to mine when there was another knock on the door. I groaned as Steve got off of me and opened the door. Loki came walking in and saw me as I sat up on the bed.

"Good morning Fifi." Loki said and I smiled.

"Good morning Loki." I said and he smiled knowing what was going on.

"I came to tell you that Thor sent word and will be in Asgard for awhile making sure mother stays put." Loki said and I smiled.

"You two truly are amazing." I said and got up hugging Loki.

"Hey, you deserve this. You deserve it all." Loki said and smiled at me then looked at Steve.

"She is still our baby sister so treat her right. I would hate to have to murder Captain America." Loki said and I laughed and Steve came up behind me and placed his arms around my waist.

"I would never hurt her." Steve said kissing my cheek.

"Good. Also, breakfast is ready and be prepared everyone went crazy because you are back." Loki said and I sighed.

"Alright be down in like 15 minutes, need to get changed." I said and Loki left. I spun in Steve's grip and placed my hands on his upper arms almost melting touching the muscles.

"I have to get dressed as do you." I said and he smiled with a nod but leaned in and passionately kissed me.

"Come and pick me up for breakfast?" I asked as we broke apart and Steve nodded.

"15 minutes." Steve said and I gave him a small kiss and left his room. As I walked to my room I couldn't wipe the smile from my face, happy to be back with Steve.

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