Chapter 17

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That morning Steve was asleep when I had to leave but I knew he would never forgive me if I just left so I leaned down and kissed his cheek to wake him up. He grumbled and I smiled a small smile and moved to kiss his neck and then moved to his ear.

"Captain....." I whispered and then I gently nipped his earlobe.

"Fraisy...." Steve moaned.

"Wake up Captain. I have to go to Asgard. Are you going to see me off?" I asked and she sighed and woke up. He gave me a small kiss when he rolled over and then he looked at me dressed in my Asgardian clothes.

"I have seen you in these clothes a few times but every time I love it." Steve said getting out of bed and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Steve, I have to go. My mother is expecting me. You need to see me off." I said and he placed his forehead against mine and I kissed him.

"Get dressed." I said and pushed him to his closet as I sat on his bed and I grabbed the shirt he had taken off that he had slept in. I put it in my overnight bag I had brought in.

"Excuse me? Did you just take my shirt?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"I need a little bit of you with me." I said and Steve smiled as he came out of his closet and was changed in jeans and a blue t-shirt. He sat beside me and put on his shoes. We left his room holding hands and once we got outside to where I would be leaving Thor and Loki were already there.

"I thought I was going alone?" I asked.

"You are little one but we wanted to see you off." Thor said and I smiled at them.

"All my men, here to see me off." I said with a small laugh. I let go of Steve's hand and my brothers wrapped me in a group hug. I kissed both their cheeks and they kissed mine. Once we released I looked at Steve who was looking at the ground.

"Hey, few days. I meet with the council tomorrow and then my mother is helping me go through my stuff. I will be back 3 days tops." I said and he sighed.

"I will see you when you get back." Steve said and passionately kissed me causing me to moan. I heard Loki and Thor groaned and I smiled once we broke apart.

"Don't be jealous." I said as I walked past them.

"Call him Thor." I said and he smiled.

"Heimdall! She is ready!" Thor said and the bifrost appeared and before I knew it I was standing back in Asgard. I smiled at Heimdall.

"Welcome back Goddess." He said and I smiled. I then saw palace guards and I sighed.

"My escorts?" I asked and he nodded. I sighed and walked up to them.

"Let's go boys!" I said and they escorted me back to the palace. I walked to my room to put my bag down then went to find my mother. I found her in the garden and I smiled at her.

"Hello Mother." I said and walked over to her and hugged her.

"You look radiant." She said and I smiled.

"Yeah Steve saw me off this morning so that could have something to do with it." I said and she laughed.

"That boy really loves you." Frigga said and I nodded

"And I love him, in fact, we told each other we did yesterday." I said and Frigga smiled.

"Well then I think we need to get you back to him sooner rather than later." Frigga said and I smiled.

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After we met with the council who was happy I finally found someone and expected when a wedding would happen they would be notified. I groaned since everyone was getting Steve and I married. Once we were done I went to head to my room and Frigga followed me. I started packing through some things and I found a small little stuffed animal bear I forgot I had.

"Is that what Odin got you?" Frigga asked and I groaned.

"Yeah somewhat. There was that fair in the town but I wasn't allowed to go and no one would take me even though Thor and Loki got to go. Well when the boys came back Loki had won me this bear but Odin took it from him and gave it to me to get me to stop crying from not getting to go." I said and Frigga sighed.

"You know Odin thought he was always being a good father." Frigga said and sighed.

"Yeah to Thor...Loki and I always got the short end of the stick and I know it's because I was a girl and I know it's because Loki isn't really his son but still...Thor was all." I said and Frigga said.

"Freya, is that why you have wanted out so bad? Ever since I can remember Midgard has been your destination. I think I know why now, I think your pull to Steve was always there." Frigga said and I smiled and nodded.

"I would really like to bring him here or you come to us and we all get together and talk. I mean that last time you talked to him you had me kidnapped to Asgard." I said and she laughed.

"Yeah well, I would like that. Maybe he can even come here. I'm sure he could make the trip." Frigga said and I nodded.

"Jane made it once and she was a mortal so I'm sure Steve as a super solider could make it." I said and Frigga nodded. I sighed and then looked at my mother.

"Are you disappointed in me?" I asked and she sighed.

"No Freya, you are the most perfect daughter I could have asked the gods for. You didn't get to pick your soulmate, it was always set to be Steve and I am happy you finally found him." Frigga said and I smiled.

"Mother, when the time comes and I'm not saying it's soon or anything but I was wondering that is when the time comes if I could wear your wedding dress when I get married?" I asked and Frigga's eyes filled with tears.

"I would love that my dear." Frigga said and I smiled at her as she started to help me go through things I absolutely needed.

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A couple days later Frigga was taking me down to Heimdall to get back to the compound. I sighed and hugged my mother.

"Come see us soon." I said and she nodded.

"And bring Steve here to see where you come from too." Frigga said and I nodded.

"Are you ready Goddess Freya?" Heimdall asked and I nodded as he set it up. I blew a kiss to my mother and I was gone. I arrived back at the compound and walked inside.

"Hello?!" I called out not seeing anyone.

"Cupid?! You back?!" Tony called out from the kitchen and I rushed in and hugged Tony.

"Hey, you the only one here?" I asked.

"Loki and Wanda are here but Steve, Bucky, Thor, Nat and Sam are gone. They got a mission they day after you left. Cap didn't want to go but we made him." Tony said and I smiled.

"Good, keep him busy." I said.

"Fifi?!" I heard Loki yell and I smiled as I turned on enough time to be picked up and spun around.

"I was gone for a few days Loki." I said as he put me down and I saw Wanda so I hugged her.

"Trust me, when you aren't here we all feel it." Wanda said and I smiled.

"Well I don't plan on going back to Asgard for a long time. Only to take Steve to meet mother and see where I come from." I said and we all sat at the table as tony put down a plate of food for everyone.

"That will be a fun trip I don't think I will be missing." Loki said and we all laughed and started eating as I sat praying Steve would be back sooner rather than later.

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