Chapter 8

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I left my room after Steve kissed me and walked straight to Wanda's room praying she was in there. I knock.

"Come in." She said and I walked in to see her and Nat sitting there talking.

"Hey. How was today?" Nat asked as I walked in shutting the door. I took the open chair that was at the desk and moved it closer to them on the bed. I smiled and put my face in my hands.

"That bad?" Nat asked and I shook my head and moved my hands and was smiling.

"That good?" Wanda asked and I nodded.

"He took me to central park and we went to the ArtWalk. He bought me a little figurine that is so beautiful. He got me a hot dog to try which was amazing and then we just walked the park until Secretary Ross called him in for a meeting." I said and the girls smiled.

"He held my hand the whole time too." I said with a smile.

"That's not all, you are holding something back!" Nat said and I sighed and blushed even redder.

"He kissed me." I said in a small voice and looked down at my hands they were now placed in my lap.

"Freya!" They both squealed and we all laughed.

"That's so cute!" Wanda said and I sighed.

"I just hope it was okay." I said and they looked at me oddly.

"Why? Was it your first kiss?" Nat asked and I nodded.

"Being Thor and Loki's sister, being Frigga and Odin's daughter there aren't many chances to just kiss random guys. I was watched like a hawk and even before I got my Goddess title, before they figured what I was I would have guys who courted me but no kissing in courting and once the Love title came along it was worse." I explained. The girls looked at me in shock.

"So you're serious, you never kissed anyone before." Nat said as more of a statement but I nodded.

"He asked if he could come see me after his meeting but I feel like he isn't going to because the kiss was probably horrible and not to mention...." I said and stopped clamping my mouth shut.

"What? Not to mention what?" Wanda asked and I sighed and shook my head.

"I could be wrong, I don't want to mention it and be wrong." I said and Nat smiled.

"Steve is your match isn't he?" Nat asked and I sighed.

"I felt something but I don't know and I don't want to jinx it. I haven't been alone with a guy like I have been with him recently and I just don't know what to think of the signals I am getting." I said and they both smiled.

"Listen, we wont say anything and we just want you to figure it out for yourself." Wanda said and I smiled.

Ms. Maximoff, Ms. Romanoff....Secretary Ross would like to see you in the conference room." The A.I. voice F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke up. I got used to this voice when I was here before. Both girls groaned and we all stood up.

"Do you guys have a library here?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's on the way. Come on." Nat said and we walked down the halls. They showed me into the library and I went in and just started looking around loving all of the books. I knew books here would be different from back home and I wasn't even sure where to begin. As I looked through all the books I heard a voice speak up.

"If you are looking for a book to start with my favorite is The Wonderful Wizard of Oz." I smiled at the voice knowing who it was. I turned to see Steve and smiled.

"Well that may be where I start then. Thank you Captain." I said and he blushed.

"So I'm Captain now?" Steve asked.

"Well are you still on duty?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No ma'am. I'm free." Steve said coming in the further and grabbing the book off the shelf and handing it to me.

"Thank you." I said and he smiled. I was suddenly nervous around him.

"Steve, I need to tell you something..." I trailed off and he looked concerned.

"What's wrong?" Steve asked. I sighed and looked at the floor again. He placed his hand under my chin making me look at him again.

" to me." Steve said in a low, calming tone. I felt vulnerable with him, not something I was used to at all. I took a deep breath and Steve moved his hand down from my chin and grabbed my hand.

"Our kiss earlier..." I trailed off and he sighed closing his eyes.

"Listen, I'm sorry if it was too fast or forward..." Steve said and I shook my head.

"No, it's not that but I think you have the right to know...that was my first kiss." I said and Steve looked at me and gave a small smile.

"That's all?" Steve asked.

"Yeah..." I said and Steve sighed shaking his head.

"Fraisy, it's okay...honestly. I don't care. I don't know your lifestyle but I can only imagine being a goddess. If you must know the truth, I find it endearing." Steve said and I smiled at him.

"Endearing?" I asked and he nodded placing a hand on my check and I leaned into his touch. This was something about this mans touch, it was like a burn, but a good burn, a burn I constantly wanted to feel. Our eyes meet and Steve started to lean in again and I closed my eyes knowing what was coming.

"Here you are little one!" Thor said coming in the library causing Steve and I to break away from each other.

"Maybe we do have to have that talk Rogers." Thor said and I groaned.

"What do you want Thor?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Loki and I request you presence at dinner tonight in my room. We are getting pizza." Thor said and I nodded.

"Sounds good, I'll be there." I said and smiled.

"Just you." Thor said and looked at Steve and I smirked and nodded.

"Yes brother, just me. I got it." I said and he smiled giving me a quick wink and walked out. I turned to look at Steve again.

"Sorry about him...." I said and he gave a small chuckle.

"It's okay, I get protective brothers but yours may be scarier than others." Steve said and I laughed.

"Walk me back to my room?" I asked and he nodded taking my hand again, there it was, that burn again. Once we reached my door I looked around the hall and didn't see anyone.

"You know....we are alone now...." I said and Steve chuckled but moved slightly closer to me.

"We are...." Steve said as I moved closer to him. He leaned down to kiss me again.

"Steve!" We heard Bucky say approaching us and I groaned.

"Yeah?" Steve asked looked at him.

"Nat and I were picking up Chinese? You want anything?" Bucky asked.

"Just my usual." Steve said and Bucky smiled and walked away. Steve and I just looked at each other. I looked at Steve and sighed.

"Okay time to be assertive." I said grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him down to me and I felt him smile in the kiss but placed his hands on my hips. Once we broke apart I smiled at him.

"Sorry but I was tired of getting interrupted." I said he laughed shaking his head.

"I liked it." Steve said and I smiled.

"Well I am going to get ready for dinner. Thanks for the book recommendation." I said and he nodded.

"No problem. Have a good dinner goddess." Steve said, winking at me and walking away. I walked in my room smiling. I went to my bed and got out the figurine he bought me and placed it on my bedside table, setting the book next to it. Steve was becoming very important to me, quickly. Now to explain it to my brothers....

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