Chapter 20

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Steve and I decided to have a quick wedding, we didn't see a point in waiting and we had the resources...or help and make it convenient. We picked a location in Central Park since it was where our first date was as well as had a small Asgardian feel to it. We were both getting ready at the compound but separately and would also arrive separately. I was so nervous and was pacing in my room. I was waiting for my mother to arrive and bring her dress. Nat and Wanda were my bridesmaids and were already dressed. I sighed as there was a knock on the door and my mother walked in and I smiled as her.

 I sighed as there was a knock on the door and my mother walked in and I smiled as her

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"Mother." I said and rushed to hug her. She looked at my hair and make-up done and smiled. She then handed Nat the garment bag.

"You girls look lovely." She said and Wanda and Nat.

"Thank you Frigga." Wanda said.

"How are you Frey?" Frigga asked placing a hand on my cheek.

"Ready to get dressed and go marry Steve." I said and she smiled.

"Well let's not keep him waiting and get you dressed. Also the headpiece you picked that matched the dress is in the bag as well." Frigga said and I smiled. I had an impromptu bridal shower in Asgard which was really just Nat and Wanda coming up with me to see my mother and watch me try on my dress, my mother's dress. I smiled as Nat got the dress from the bag and I smiled at it still so happy I picked to wear it.

"Well Goddess, let's get you dressed

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"Well Goddess, let's get you dressed." Wanda said and I smiled.

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Once we arrived at the park entrance I was met by a horse drawn carriage and Tony standing beside it.

"A ride fit for a Goddess." Tony said and I smiled at him.

"Tony! You didn't have to do this!" I said and he helped me and Frigga into the carriage.

"Of course I did." Tony said and I laughed as Nat and Wanda got in the carriage behind us since Frigga and I could only fit in this one. As we rode to the destination I looked at my mother.

"Thank you for giving me the best life and letting me find my own love. I'm sorry he isn't Asgardian." I said and she smiled.

"Freya, I knew he wouldn't be. You were meant to be out of Asgard. I'm just happy you found the absolute best." Frigga said and I smiled.

"I know for a fact I did." I said and we rode in silence the rest of the way. Once we arrived Frigga smiled.

"A picked a castle?" Frigga asked and I laughed.

"Steve picked the castle and we were getting married on the terrace." I said and she laughed I saw Thor, Loki and Bucky standing outside and I smiled. Bucky helped my mother out of the carriage.

"I am here to escort Frigga to her seat." Bucky said and I smiled as Frigga nodded. He linked her arm and they walked away and I looked at Thor and Loki.

"Brothers." I said and they smiled as they helped me out of the carriage. I noticed Nat and Wanda walking in.

"You look radiant sister." Loki said and I smiled.

"I love you both, thank you both for walking me down the aisle." I said and they nodded.

"Of course we would." Thor said and I smiled.

"Now listen, just because you are marrying Steve doesn't mean you wont always be my little sister Fifi." Loki said and I hugged him.

"And always my little one." Thor said and I hugged him as well.

"Now is your last chance. I can teleport us somewhere if you want to run." Loki said and I laughed and punched him in his chest.

"No way." I said as I linked both their arms and we went walking into the castle. Once we arrived the soft music started playing and Nat and Wanda made the short walk out onto the covered terrace and then I took a deep breath as it was not my turn. Thor and Loki walked me the short distance down the aisle to Steve. When I saw him standing there in his black suit with his gold tie to match my dress accents I smiled at him. Once we reached Steve I handed Nat my flowers to hold and I took Steve's hands.

"Goddess." Steve said with a smile.

"Captain." I said and he shook his head with a small laugh.
"Good now that formalities are done, let's get this show on the road!" Tony said since was marrying us and I smiled.

"Dearly Beloved!!!" Tony's voice boomed and we all laughed.

"Tinman! We talked about this..." I said and he laughed. He gave me a small head nod.

"Alright the Goddess always gets her way, Steve you better remember that. Steve, do you have your vows prepared?" Tony asked and Steve nodded and took a deep breath.

"When I found out that Thor and Loki's younger sister was staying with us I didn't know what to expect. I mean you see Thor and Loki, what was I supposed to expect. From the moment you walked down the stairs into that party my heart stopped, you were gorgeous and you left me speechless for a few minutes. I have been accused of waiting too long to show someone how much I care for them and want to be with them but when I met you I knew I didn't want to wait, it would have been stupid too. Thankfully I didn't have to and fate interceded telling us that were right for each other. I will always trust fate from now on because fate brought me the love of my life and now my soon to be wife. I love you Freya." Steve said and I was trying to hold off tears as he slide the wedding band on to match my ring. Tony looked at me.

"Time to make your speech cupid." Tony said and I gave a small laugh.

"Steve, when I first got here and met you I was attracted to you instantly but I wasn't sure if I was even allowed to be knowing I was looking for a soulmate and a life partner not just an attraction to someone. When I met you on the roof that night to get away from the party and you gave me your jacket, I felt it. It felt the shock, the jolt, the butterflies take flight in my stomach, I felt it all with you. I still feel it all with you. When I wake up with you in my life every morning I know I'm the luckiest girl in all the realms to have you in my life. I can't to have a live with you and grow old....eventually with you." I said and Steve laughed. I slid the wedding band on his finger.

"No one objects right?" Tony asked everyone who was in attendance which who were just the avengers. Everyone shook their heads and we smiled.

"Well by the power invested in my by the state of New York and some website, I now pronounce you Captain and the Goddess....or husband and wife....which ever you prefer. Now kiss you girl." Tony said and we laughed as Steve pulled me closer to him and passionately kissed me.

"Hey! Easy Rogers, don't suck her face off!" Loki yelled and we broke apart laughing.

"Classy Loki." I said and he smiled at me. Steve took my hand.

"Before we head back to the compound, how about a walk through the Artwalk that is going on in the park today?" Steve asked and I smiled.

"I love that husband." I said and he smiled.

"I love you wife." Steve said and leaned in kissing me as we headed down to the carriage. 

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