Chapter 7

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Steve and I arrived at the park and I saw all the vendors set up. Some were selling art pieces, other's were just selling crafts. I loved it. I saw so much culture in one place.

"This is amazing Steve." I said as we got off the bike.

"When I came out of the ice I came to an ArtWalk because of the culture. It helped with a lot and I figured it could help you get used to New York and culture here." Steve said and took my hand as we started walking.

"This will be super helpful Steve, thank you." I said and smiled at him.

"So are you officially moving to New York from Asgard?" Steve asked and I sighed.

"No, my mother Frigga, She only gave me a month on" I said and I saw Steve's face fall.

"So not much time...." Steve said and I shook my head slightly.

"I mean I think she might allow me to stay if something keeps me here but I'm not sure. She is all for finding my soul mate." I said and Steve half nodded.

"Can I ask a question?" Steve asked and I gave a small laugh.

"Of course you can." I said.

"So what happens if you got back to Asgard but your soulmate isn't there? What will happen then?" Steve asked and I just shrugged.

"I would have to find them eventually but I don't know what steps that would take. Whether my mother sends me somewhere to find them or not." I said.

"Can you be the Goddess of Love if you don't find love?" Steve asked and I sighed.
"I would just be a figure of love to everyone else. The legend is there was a Goddess of Love once and she gave out so much love so everyone else could find it that she never left enough for herself and stayed single forever. Never had a soulmate or children of her own. My mother doesn't want that for me so she is insistent I find someone." I said and Steve nodded.

"She isn't forcing you on someone is she?" Steve asked.

"Not technically. She is setting me up on a lot of meetings with noblemen in Asgard and some not so noble but she is willing to try anything." I said.

"What would happen in you say met someone on Earth who you felt was maybe the right person?" Steve asked and I sighed.

"That's a discussion to have with her." I said and Steve nodded.

"Would you have the conversation or would the person who likes you have that conversation?" Steve asked.

"Not exactly sure honestly, I would think the talk would be with me and the person who is my true love and my mother all together." I said and Steve nodded. We stopped at a booth and looked at some one the items they had. I was looking at some small handblown glass figurines and Steve smiled.

"They are beautiful." I said and looked at a pink rose on a mirror plate with a small pink butterfly. Steve looked at me and then at the person running the booth.

 Steve looked at me and then at the person running the booth

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"We'll take this one." Steve said and I looked at him as the worker grabbed it and put it in a box.

"Steve..." I said and he shook his head.

"I wanted to Fraisy." Steve said and I smiled as he paid the worker and she handed him the small bag with the box in it and he carried it for me and went back to holding my hand.

"Thank you." I said and reached on my tiptoes kissed his cheek and he smiled.

"My pleasure." Steve said. We continued walking the fair and looking at a couple things. Once lunch time approached I heard Steve's stomach growl.

"Wow even Captain America deals with hunger." I said and he laughed.

"What about you? Do Goddess' stomachs growl?" Steve asked and I shook my head.

"We are taught at a young age to be dignified and make them purr." I said and we both laughed.

"Wow...very dignified." Steve said and I laughed. He saw a hot dog cart and we walked to it.

"Ever had a hot dog?" Steve asked and I shook my head.

"Never?!" Steve asked and then he nodded.

"Right...." He said and remembered I wasn't from earth.

"2 please." Steve ordered and then paid the guy. Once we got the hot dogs he handed me mine after putting some toppings on it.

"Do you trust me?" Steve asked.

"With my life as of right now." I said and he laughed. I took a small bite of the hot dog and smiled.

"It's really good." I said a smile and we continued to eat and walk together. Once we reached the end of the ArtWalk Steve looked at me.

"Do you want to head back or..." Steve said and I shook my head.

"Not yet. I am here for a month to explore and check out Midgard before my life drastically changes and I want to see as much as I can, even if it is just New York." I said and Steve smiled and we continued to walk around the park. Soon Steve's cellphone went off. He walked away to answer it and then sighed when he came back.

"We have to head back. Secretary Ross is there and I have to answer some questions about the mission I was on last." Steve said and I nodded.

"Who is Secretary Ross?" I asked and Steve sighed.

"A jerk who I would rather never deal with." Steve said and I nodded.

"I know some people like that." I said and Steve smiled. We finished the walk in silence just enjoying being with each other and it was when we got to the bike and Steve let go of my hand I realized we hadn't done this much the whole time we had been together at the park. We got bike on the bike and drove back to the compound. Once we went inside Steve snuck in walking me to my room. I smiled knowing he didn't want to be seen so I opened my door and we walked in. I stopped him really quick using my senses trying to see if I sensed Loki.

"Problem?" Steve asked and I shook my head not sensing him.

"Just checking somethings out." I said and Steve huffed a laugh.

"Goddess senses?" Steve asked and I laughed.

"Something like that." I said and he smiled. He handed me the bag from the ArtWalk and I smiled sitting it on the bed.

"Thank you again for that." I said and Steve slightly shook his head.

"It was no problem Fraisy. Something to remember your time here when you go back." Steve said and I sighed and looked at the floor.

"Yeah." I said and he placed a hand under my chin and lifted my face to look back at him. No words were spoken as he looked in my eyes and I unknowingly licked my lips lightly as Steve leaned down and gave me a small, gentle, sweet kiss. Passionate in its own right without being too much right off the bat. He pulled away and we both smiled.
"I have to go, the meeting." Steve said seeming to remember.

"Right..." I said and Steve sighed. I walked him back over to the door.

"Can I come see you after?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Of course." I said and he smiled and walked out. 

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