Chapter 10

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Steve and I had left for breakfast and were just having an all-around good time out on the bike. When we pulled back in I saw Thor standing outside waiting.

"Hey." I said as I got off the bike and Thor sighed.

"We have a visitor." Thor said and I just looked at him confused.

"Who is here?" I asked.

"We just have a visitor. Go to your room and I will be in to get you when we are ready." Thor said and I got concerned.

"Steve..." I said and he took my hand.

"Rogers. I would suggest letting her walk to her room herself." Thor said and I got annoyed.

"No Thor...Steve can walk me." I said and he shook his head.

"Not right not Freya. Your room now!" Thor said and I groaned. He never called me Freya since I was a kid. I knew something was up I kissed Steve's cheek and headed to my room quickly. Once I got in my room I saw a dress laying on my bed and I groaned. I opened my door to find Loki standing there.

"I am not going back to Asgard! I had a month." I said annoyed.

"We aren't going back Fifi. Put the dress on and I will be here to escort you to our visitor when you are ready." Loki said.

"She is here isn't she?" I asked and Loki wouldn't meet my eyes.

"Just get ready Fifi." Loki said and I shut my door. I put on the dress clearly brought by my mother. I put it on and did my hair and make up like she liked. Once I was ready I took a deep breath and blew it out as I looked in the mirror and I didn't even recognize myself. I walked to the door and opened it to see Loki and Thor standing there.

"Ready?" Thor asked and I nodded. We walked to the library and I sighed as they stopped at the door.

"Can you go in with me?" I asked and they both shook their heads.

"We were told to escort you but we cant come in." Loki said. I turned to Thor.

"You are going to be okay little one, just stand up for yourself." Thor said and I sighed. I opened the door and walked in seeing Frigga standing looking around at everything.

"Hello Mother." I said and gave a small smile. She looked at me and I could tell she wasn't happy.

"You promised me you would behave." Frigga said.

'"I am behaving!" I said upset.

"Going out to parks, riding on a motorcycle, sleeping outside...with a man. Freya I sent you here to have time before you had to settle down and then I see you being with a man here. Going to parties and out with him, sleeping with him! Freya what is wrong with you! You know better!" Frigga said.

"Have you been spying on me?! Have you been going to Heimdall and asking him to show you what I am doing?! That's an invasion of privacy mother?!" I said raising my voice.

"You expected me to let you come and not check on you?!" Frigga asked.

"I thought you could trust me! They guy I was out with is an amazing guy and understand where I am from and what is going on in my life. He is Captain America for crying out loud! The sweetest guy I have ever met. The times we went out he was nothing but honorable and gentlemanly. Last night we didn't mean to fall asleep together. We were stargazing and I was talking about Asgard. It was a simple mistake mother. Please understand Steve Rogers is a gentleman." I said and she shook her head.

"He is taking advantage of you Freya! He see's a young woman not used to this lifestyle and taking advantage of you!" Frigga said and I sighed.

"No he isn't! Mother please understand Steve and I have gotten close over the past couple of days and we like seeing where this is going! Mother I believe he is my soulmate." I said and I saw my mother looked at me like I had 4 heads.

"You what?!" She asked.

"I believe he is my soulmate. I haven't talk to him about it yet because I have been scared to but I think it's him. I felt the change when I was with him." I said and Frigga scowled and then calmed down.

"I want to meet him." Frigga said and I gave a small smile.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, got fetch him." Frigga said and I left the room. Thor and Loki were still outside the room.

"I have to go get Steve." I said and walked down the hall.

Thor and Loki walked into the library and looked at Frigga

"Are you allowing her to be with Steve, she seems so happy." Loki said.

"Thor, as I talk to this young man I need you to take your sister back to Asgard and she is to stay in her room until I come to her." Frigga said.

"Mother..." Thor started to say but Frigga gave him a pointed look and he sighed.

"Fine, she wont be happy though." Thor said and Frigga sighed.

"I know." Frigga said. Thor and Loki left the library.

"I have to go to her room for minute and get something." Thor said and quickly walked away.

I knocked on the door to Steve's room and he opened the door taking in my outfit.

"Fraisy...are you....-?" Steve asked and I shook my head.

"No! Just my mother is here and I'm assuming wanted me in clothing comfortable for her. Listen...she has been watching us together and she wants to meet you." I said and Steve sighed with a nod.

"We knew this day would come." Steve said and I nodded.

"We did but I have something else to tell you that I'm sure will come out...Steve....the night of the party when you gave me your jacket I felt something. I think you are the one I am meant to be with..." I said and Steve didn't say anything but pulled me into a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his hand on my hips holding me to him and I felt his tongue tease where my lips are closed and I opened for him and his tongue dance with mine and I couldn't help but let the moan escape. Once we broke apart we were both catching our breath and I smiled at Steve.

"I was waiting for you to say that Fraisy." Steve said and I smiled.

"We should get going for you to meet my mother." I said and we walked hand and hand back down to the library. I walked in with Steve beside me.

"Mother." I said getting her attention since her back was to me. She turned and looked at us and saw us holding hands.

"Mother, this is Steve Rogers, Steve this is my mother Queen Frigga." I said and Steve walked up to her and gave a small head nod bow and she gave a small smile.

"Freya, you may go. I would like to talk to Steve alone." Frigga said and I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. I walked out of the room and was met with Thor.

"Come with me little one." Thor said and I nodded knowing he was wanting to keep me occupied. Thor and I walked outside and I was confused.

"Heimdall!" Thor called out and instantly we were being taking back to Asgard. Once we landed and I looked around.

"What the hell Thor!" I said and pushed him, which he didn't move.

"I'm sorry little one, mother said to bring you back." Thor said and my eyes filled with tears.

"Heimdall send me back!" I yelled and Thor shook his head.

"Come." Thor said grabbing my arm gently and took me to the castle. Once in my room I sat on my bed and started crying.

"I'm sorry little one." Thor said and went to touch my cheek but I moved out of his reach. I heard him set something down on my bedside table and I looked once he left the room and I saw the figurine Steve bought me and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz book and I started crying harder.

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