Chap.10 The Breakthrough

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you walked through the surrounding forest until you found yourself able to better see Liyue Harbor, and once outside the entrance you walked along through the rain into the town, the rain poured down on you soaking your clothes and your white hair, you hugged yourself as you kept walking, a few passersby's looked at you as you walked without an umbrella, still feeling the ache in your heart as you wondered along, you didn't know what to do at this moment 

but then, you slipped and nearly stumbled to the ground but you felt someone catch you, and It seemed like the rain stopped as well, you looked up see Zhongli holding an umbrella

"Your lordship"

 Zhongli helped you stand back up, "It's raining very hard, what're you doing out at a time like this?"

you shook your head, looking down "I don't know, your lordship I...Xiao..."

Zhongli furrowed his brows, "something happened with you and him,"

"yes...he seemed very upset and...he said many heart won't stop aching"

Zhongli touched your shoulder, "come with me"

he ushered you along and you followed him, and you soon came to a little house in which Zhongli opened up the door, gesturing you to go first and you entered into the home

you looked all around, Zhongli then went to light a few candles In the lamps

"what is this place?" you asked

"It's my home, my mortal dwelling for now"

you nodded In understanding, he then brought you a towel and you wrapped it around yourself

"Thank you, your lordship"

you wiped your wet face, going to sit down on one of the chairs just as Zhongli soon returned with a tray and cups with a little teapot, "here, this will help you warm up"

he poured some tea into the cup, before handing it to you and you blew on It, then having a sip as you did Indeed feel yourself warm up some more,

Zhongli went to sit across from you, "please tell me what happened"

you put down the cup, "I was training with the Traveler, he saved me from one of my own Ice shards, I wasn't injured and Xiao came to check on me as well, he asked me If I was alright and I told him I was fine, the Traveler left to take of his own wounds, and Xiao seemed to change"

"How so?"

you remembered, "his eyes, they became cold and there was a look of heartbreak In them....he told me that, he had to endure as he watched me become closer to the traveler, he said I smile a lot when In his presence, he didn't finish the rest and said something was hopeless, I asked him what, and said It was himself, he expressed his great care for me and how he wanted me to be happy...but said something about my liking the traveler"

Zhongli nodded "I see, I believe I know what's going on, please continue"

you brought a hand to your heart, "he then said...he's loved me for the past thousand years and when I died, It crushed him so much..."

Zhongli let out a sigh, "Indeed, All those years ago when you died everyone took It hard, but Alatus took It the hardest amongst the rest of you, he changed very much after that"

you picked up your teacup again, "he said that It was hopeless for him to cling to hopes that I'll remember, and then before he left he told me to do as I wish"

"He's been In pain for a longtime, and even I know his love for you has held true for all these years, he believes that you have feelings for the traveler"

you started, "but I...I do not, the Traveler has been very kind to me and he's a nice man but I only feel friendship towards him...and even then I...I don't know how I feel about Xiao...My Lord please tell me what I should do, I feel more lost then ever"

Zhongli let out a breath, "I see, Ionius tell me has anything odd happened to you lately"

you nodded, "yes, I've had headaches and I've seen visions..."


"yes, I've had visions of myself and others It would seem, It's like I know them but I do not and I've even said names I don't know,"

Zhongli furrowed his brows, "like who"


Zhongli's golden eyes slightly widened, he remembered the water Yaksha very well, 

he gave a nod, "Bonanus was your Yaksha Sister, the water Yaksha, she was a very kind and gentle soul much like yourself,"

you started, "Xiao told me...we're the only ones left, the others perished way after I died"

"that's right, Bonanus adored you a lot and she was deeply hurt by your passing...I did my best to comfort all of them, but deep down I know they still grieved"

you felt tears come to your eyes, just as you felt your head start to hurt and you felt dizzy 

"these visions, what have you been seeing?"

you steadied yourself, "one night, when I was looking at the stars I had a vision of watching them with someone, but their face was blurry, and another time I had a vision of someone always rushing to my side as to protect me...that face was blurry too, and no matter how much I have these visions that face is always blurry"

Zhongli listened closely, "I see,"

"and the other day, I had a nightmare of when I was killed, I was bleeding out as I was In the arms of someone and...I couldn't make out who It was"

you felt your head hurt some more, just as you started having flashbacks of that time, and you dropped the cup as you rose onto your feet, putting your hands on your head 

Zhongli came to your side, "Ionius what's the matter?"

"It hurts so head...and my heart"

everything became dizzying, and you fell to your knees as you then had all the visions from before come back to your mind, and in those significant moments the face you saw became unblurred and it was Xiao, and you saw the faces of the other Yaksha flash in your mind 

but then...the memory of the day you died returned, and you were bleeding out as you were soon dying, and someone's tears were dripping onto your face, their face came into view and once again It was Xiao, he clung to you as you were speaking to him with your last strength, trying to tell him how you felt about him but then he kissed you,

you gasped, and tears streamed down your face and every single moment in your life before returned to you up until minutes ago at Wangshu Inn

and the pain stopped, you then looked up at Zhongli as he looked on with concern, 

"Ionius, what's happened?"

you started crying some more, "I...I remember....everything"

Zhongli's eyes widened; he helped you to stand up as you gained your bearings again 

you sniffled, "your lordship, I remember It all...everything from before, I'm the Sixth Yaksha the Cryo Yaksha, I remember everyone, Pervases, Bosacious, Menogias, Indarias, Bonanus and...Alatus"

a smile started coming to his face, he then touched your shoulders "that's good, very good,"

"I...I have to go find him, I have to tell him I remember and I have to tell him that I.."

you blushed deeply, wiping away the tears from your cheeks

Zhongli smiled, "I know what you mean, go to him"

you started bowing low to him but he stopped you, giving your head a gentle pat before you started out of his house, running back out Into the rain as you ran as fast as your feet could carry you with only one thing on your mind, and that was Xiao.

The Moment you've all been waiting for is happening In the next chapter, I will update again soon so please stay tuned


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