Soul Fire - Chapter 9

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On the morning of their ascent into the mountains, Dathion would once again depart from someone he had grown close to. In just a handful of days, he had already left his mother and father; Ascius - the Captain of the Palace Guard - who had always watched over and protected the princes; and a number of familiar servants and guards of the palace. Saying goodbye to Ragilen and his men had also proved surprisingly difficult, considering he barely knew them. Parting company with Davidor and Asheron would come next.

It had been the cartographer's idea to remain behind with the horses. Malithas and Salidon had not argued. The mountain climb would be arduous and their direction obvious. Thin trails twined up the slopes with no choice of alternative routes. Davidor's suggestion that his questionable fitness would slow their party only served to give voice to unspoken thoughts.

It wasn't only Davidor's limitations that concerned Malithas and Salidon. Horses would not make the journey safely along such narrow paths. This would prove especially treacherous for animals as heavyset as Asillian battle mounts. At first, the concession was to include Davidor in their group and leave the steeds behind. However, though their training was such that Asillian horses could be left alone and trusted to not wander, other concerns remained: such as thieves, or the animals being spooked by a summer thunderstorm. Davidor and the mounts camping together in the foothills offered the best compromise.

After an early breakfast, Dathion brushed Asheron so thoroughly that each stroke of the bristles rubbed more loose hair back into the horse's coat than it swept off.

"I think you're done, Dathion. You're not polishing your mother's silver. Any more brushing and you'll have Asheron questioning whether he's actually a stallion or a mare."

Only a warning glance from Jerodai stopped Dathion from poking his tongue more than partway out of his mouth when Malithas turned away. Thankfully, he had already sucked it back in when his instructor looked back in his direction.

"I am sorry, Malithas. I will not get another chance for days."

"I'm sure our cartographer will be glad for the exercise. Leave him your brush. He could do with putting some work into his shoulders and arms. If I folded two of his maps together, I'm not convinced he would have the strength to separate them."

Davidor treated Malithas to a tight smile and a slight tilt of his head.

"Here, Davidor."

Malithas dropped a sheathed sword into the cartographer's lap. Davidor jumped. He studied the weapon as though it were one of his maps, then lifted it with both hands. He turned it to face back along his arms before offering it hilt first to Malithas.

"Don't be a fool. You should practice swinging it when we've gone. Get used to the weight and balance. I don't expect you to best a soldier with it, but the threat of someone who can hold a sword with confidence is a strong enough deterrent to a cowardly brigand. If you experience real trouble, your best hope is to free the horses to fight for you, or to ride away as fast as they can carry you."

Davidor slid the sword under the packs lying next to him.

"That's not the wisest place for it if danger finds you. Soldiers don't wear swords at their hips because they like the feel of cool metal bouncing against their legs. We prefer the warm limbs of beautiful ladies."

Dathion and Jerodai blushed on Davidor's behalf. Davidor sucked in a deep breath and held it, before releasing it slowly. He retrieved the sword and laid it by his side.

Malithas acknowledged the gesture with the barest of nods, before walking away to find Salidon.

Although Malithas's suggestion that Asillian mounts were better warriors than Davidor sounded like an insult, no one reacted as if one were made. Dathion might previously have expected a man to be offended at such remarks but that was before seeing Asheron fight. The power and strength his horse unleashed upon the demons had been formidable.

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