Soul Fire - Chapter 18

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Dathion died during the night. He had no regrets, wishing his brother and the people who cared for him well. It pleased Dathion that he must have lived a good life, as he had been rewarded with a place in heaven. Paradise was everything he had hoped for - the aroma and sizzle of frying bacon, and the spattering of eggs frying on a hot pan. When Dathion fully awoke - to realize he was in fact not dead, nor dreaming - he followed his nose out of his now empty room into the kitchen. The wood-fired oven had gathered a crowd of curious onlookers, like it were a wagon crash.

The tavern owner's daughter appeared flustered, making an effort to prepare their breakfast while navigating an obstacle course of men. She did her best to remain polite, but she needed help. It was Malithas who first remembered his manners.

"Give the young lady some room! What a bad example you all set. You'll make them think that Asillia doesn't have the means to feed you."

He shepherded their group into the main eating area. Dathion found his gesture ironic, considering he had been the one closest to the oven.

The table was already set with plates and eating implements, along with a bowl of exotic fruits. This led to a difficult choice. Should Dathion sample some of the sumptuous fruits, which were probably very tasty and good for him, or should he leave extra room for bacon and eggs?

Dathion made his move, selecting a small piece of fruit - bright orange - unlike anything he had seen before. He took a small bite; doing his best through exaggerated smiles, lip smacking and closed eyes, to convince the others it was probably the most delicious food he had ever tasted. To be fair, it was sweet and succulent, with a delicate, perfumed flavor.

Unfortunately, Ellishan and Jerodai didn't take the bait. He discarded the once bitten fruit, to leave room for his real breakfast. His chances of claiming Jerodai's or Ellishan's share had grown depressingly small.

When the main meal did arrive, it was everything he had hoped for. The bacon was twisted and crispy, but not burnt, while the eggs were still liquid in the middle, with the whites set and firm. Hunks of toasted bread were spread with creamy butter, the latter rushed from the markets to ensure its freshness. Dathion had never seen a group of men chew so slowly. 

After unfamiliar meals in the mountains and trail rations, this approached perfection. Dathion had experienced masterfully prepared dishes at palace banquets, however, he would have forsaken them all for this breakfast on this day. When Dathion popped the last sliver of toasted bread - soaked with the final traces of gooey egg yolk - into his mouth, a very content looking Malithas defiled their holy experience with his voice.

"Well, our party is complete again. Today, I want you boys to enjoy yourselves. I suggest you pay a visit to the markets and have some fun. Salidon and I have some appointments to attend and I'm sure Davidor has maps to read."

A small, twisted smile from Davidor answered Malithas.

"We will make the most of Cretia while we are here. You should be safe within these walls. Just stay within sight of city guards and take care with strangers. We will meet back here tonight to share the events of the day."

Malithas slid a small coin pouch across the table to the excited boys - the funding for their day's adventure. With a parting smile and a ruffle of Jerodai's hair, Malithas left with Salidon, disappearing into the morning crowds that swept toward the city center. 

"Well, the markets are too adventurous for me. You can find me in the city's main library if you need me. Enjoy your day, but be careful. It is easy to become lost in Cretia, so pay attention to landmarks to find your way back."

With his words Davidor also left, leaving the boys alone.

For a short time the three boys stared at the coin pouch, daring it to move of its own accord. Finally, the hands of Dathion and Jerodai flew to it - the latter a fraction faster - snatching it away before stowing it safely inside his jacket. Jerodai's victory laugh prickled Dathion's skin. In return, Dathion whisked the last strip of bacon from Jerodai's plate to the open-mouthed horror of Malithas's son. If Jerodai had bothered to take a look inside the coin pouch, he wouldn't have cared. He could have bought a herd of pigs with the money he now held.

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