Soul Fire - Chapter 17

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"Cretia," Malithas began, "the Walled City. So you want to know more about where we head? Listen carefully Dathion, for I will only tell you once. I wish to save my breath for our final march, not the lessons your tutors failed to impart at the palace."

Dathion had been querying Malithas all morning. Only now, with Cretia's mighty wall a ring of gray in the distance, did his mentor share what he knew.

"It is the capital of the borderlands, a river port, merchant hub, and fortress. From all parts of the land, men, and sometimes other races, journey to Cretia. Even pampered princes suffer the trip once in a while it would seem."

Dathion withered Malithas with a glare. Malithas's indignant expression of innocence riled him further.

"The River of Mountain's Lament forms a vast moat on the western edge of the city, while enormous slabs of granite, carved from the northern mountains by the Dwarves - at great cost to rich men I might add - have built a towering, curved wall to the north, east, and south."

"The gray ring we can see?"

"Salidon, not only is the boy handy with a sword, but his mind is as sharp as a whetstone."

"The edge of the whetstone, Malithas, or the face?"

Dathion simmered and waited impatiently for more.

Malithas cleared his throat in Salidon's direction before turning back to Dathion.

"Cretia's river is the widest in all the lands. Ships from distant ports sail there from the endless oceans of the south. From these vessels come goods that cannot be found elsewhere. It is for this reason that Asillians often venture into Cretia for trade, or else wait for the endless trains of merchants to travel to Asillia City. They bring caravans laden with essential and exotic fares sourced from every corner of the world. It is often said that if it cannot be found in Cretia, it does not exist."

"So there are markets in Cretia?"

"More than one. Cretia's largest is the most famous throughout the land."

"Can we visit it?"

"I see no reason why not."

"Cretia is a rich city? With all those goods, the taxes must be considerable."

Malithas's face darkened while Salidon's forehead creased. Had he said something wrong?

"Merchants of the city have seen their coffers swell with gold from the toil of honest men. These men are Cretins, residents of Cretia."

"Cretins? I learned that the people of Cretia are named Cretians?"

"Some are, the men and women of the streets certainly."

"I do not understand."

"I told you that this phrase would serve you well. My wisdom, Salidon, could it be boundless? Please tell the Grand Master of the Masans to keep my temple warm!"

"Why, Malithas, your mouth is filled with more than enough hot air to heat both Masan temples and gardens ... and could even thaw the lands of the Cerds come to think of it. You need no help from the Grand Master. My only concern is whether your aging legs could manage seven flights of stairs."

Dathion turned to Jerodai for support. None was forthcoming. 

Malithas continued.

"I digress, and apologise for Salidon's rude interruption. Where were we? Oh, yes - Cretins. Most parts of Cretia have been built on a grand and opulent scale - a shrine to the decadence of greed. Tax on the poorer classes runs high, which has led to severe class segregation; though to be fair to the merchant rulers, the amenities are generally good in all but the poorest quarters of the city. Policing is strict and extensive. Well-trained soldiers comprise both the police force and city military, to enforce laws and repel any attack. Where the avarice of men with money is concerned, law enforcement is essential, especially when pertaining to possession and theft."

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