Soul Fire - Chapter 13

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The demons gathered, some at the vanguard, while others disappeared back into the shroud of falling snow. Dathion counted a dozen, Salidon a few more.

Parting the monsters like a ship through waves, came the largest of them all.

The heads of the smaller demons only reached its chest. The breadth of its shoulders spanned the width of Dathion and Jerodai standing side by side. Muscles rippled beneath fur capped with a dusting of white. The creature raised its mouth to the sky, baring razor sharp teeth, each the length of a man's hand. With its neck tilted back, it roared. The sound shook the air, reverberating from the mountain peaks, draining the courage from the boys but wasted on the bravery of the men.

Gergan uttered two words in response.

"He's mine."

Farther back gathered the three shadowy men, their presence causing Malithas and Salidon to shift in place. Dathion shivered but it wasn't from the chill of the air.

"Take care. Backs together. Do not leave each other exposed! Avoid the men, keep to the beasts."

Malithas's words were timed with the first leap of the demons - their encircling of the group complete. Snarls and savage cries left the mountains echoing with hunger and hatred.

The sounds of fighting, screaming, and cutting came from everywhere, engulfing them in battle. Dathion would have been taken twice before the raising of his sword. Malithas preserved him, stepping across the path of a demon to open its chest, splaying its ribs, before thrusting his sword backward with both hands to impale another demon to his hilt. Spinning to lever his blade free from the gurgling monster, he kicked the first demon backward, distancing its flailing claws from the boys.

At their flank, Salidon spun in circles with long, sweeping strokes, his sword rarely cutting flesh, but the threat keeping a handful of creatures at bay.

Behind them, Gergan watched and waited, for what Dathion was unsure. His intimidating presence guarded their rear more surely than his ax.

The demons kept coming. Foremost among them, towering in both stature and terror, the largest of their kind strode toward them, its progeny already a handful for Malithas and Salidon.

There was no escape.


Jerodai's warning saw Malithas twist away from a creature flanking him, a fraction slow. A rare misplaced step from their instructor allowed a single blow through his guard, knocking him backward, staggering him into the path of the behemoth.

Jerodai yelled and charged, panic tinging his voice. Dathion followed. Their swords slashed the air in crosscuts before them. The demon which had struck Malithas raised its arms in front of its eyes. Jerodai's blade bit into its raised limbs, while Dathion landed a pair of heavy strokes on its unguarded torso. The demon retreated, painting its blood in steaming, red lines across the snow.

But they pushed too far. Another creature approached, the boys too slow to react.

Where was Dathion's song?

He listened for it. The demon could reach them both. Dathion stood closest. He started to raise his sword. Jerodai fought to recover his balance. Time slowed to a crawl.

From the right, arcing toward the boys sailed the sword of Malithas, cast with a flawless throw. The demon rose to claim Dathion over his rising guard, too quick for his parry. 

Malithas's sword lanced into its chest. 

The creature froze in place, arms raised, a racking cough erupting from its throat and blood bubbling from the corners of its mouth. Both boys struck as one, hammering at the stricken creature. It fell under the enthusiasm of their assault.

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