Soul Fire - Chapter 22

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"You are safe now. No enemy of yours has passed our steel."

Artallah's voice reminded Dathion of the surety found in the company of Malithas and Salidon. In their time of need, the most unlikely of guardians had led their rescue. Dathion knew, that alone, they could never have prevailed against their foes. Twice this night, strangers had sacrificed themselves for the sake of the boys.

His life had been bought by the death of others.

As he stood in the calm of the aftermath, Dathion began to shake. His body trembled, a sensation more like shivering than fatigue. The world began to spin unpredictably, revolving too quickly at first, then slowing to a gentle drift. Dathion took an unsteady step toward Artallah. The Palian appeared hazy and blurred, surreal in the twilight fog of the markets. Dathion's legs became uncertain. Concerted effort halted his initial momentum, though now he staggered drunkenly to his left. He barely caught his balance to save a fall. Swallowing proved difficult, his throat mostly paralyzed. Dathion's tongue was lazy and heavy in his mouth. His voice sounded thick when he spoke.

"The Hidden Eye ... in the alley."

He paused to catch an elusive breath. The air he managed to suck into his lungs did not fill them. He gasped for more.

"We must ... go ... go back and see if they ... survived. Our help ... we owe ..."

He panted. His chest became wracked with spasms, though he felt no pain.

"Hidden eye? In the alley?"

One of the men from the rooftops answered him.

"Your words are not clear and you look tired. Perhaps you should sit and rest," He looked at Dathion carefully and stepped closer to offer his arm, but Dathion waved it away, "Do you mean our leader? We will check on his welfare when we depart."

Dathion's face twisted.

"No ... the others who fell. Trying to ... to save us. They may yet live."

Dathion rocked on his feet as the men around him swam, looming at first closer then farther away. Their voices came from a great distance and were riddled with echoes. Jerodai spoke next.

"Of whom do you speak, Dathion? You and Ellishan are here and safe, along with the men who escorted us. One of their number shielded you from your foe before we ran. Is he the one we must find?"


Dathion's attempted yell escaped as a hoarse rasp.

"There were ... others. Four fell ... they rushed past me."

Dathion's face softened, his eyes pleading.

"Jerodai ... Ellishan ... tell them."

Dathion knew the futility of appealing to Ellishan even before finishing his words, though his growing delirium scrambled his thoughts. He swiveled his body toward Ellishan. Now, his balance failed him, legs buckling, his mouth incapable of shaping the words his foggy mind intended. Artallah lunged forward, his head cocked and eyes fixed on Dathion's sagging legs. He caught Dathion's arm just as the prince fell forward, his full weight supported by the grip of the Palian. Darkness came to claim Dathion in a surge of black. His body fell limp, collapsing into Artallah's arms.

Artallah needed no words. A pair of Storm Dancers rushed to help support Dathion along with the two members of the Hidden Eye. Jerodai and Ellishan also moved closer. Artallah's brows furrowed.

"Give me light."

On his command the Storm Dancers lit lanterns, placing them on the shelves of the market stall. They lifted Dathion gently onto one of the tables.

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