Soul Fire - Chapter 37

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One wonder flowed to the next. Dathion turned in a slow circle to admire that which should never be. A platform which could hold a thousand men grew from the top of the tree, the terminal of the trunk spreading out, then growing into the floor. There were no walls, instead just a silver shimmer of gossamer strands - like the silk of spider webs, spun into a great dome forming both walls and roof. Sunlight scattered sparkling patterns along the enormous web, each unique, like mysteries held in the crystals of snowflakes. As though scheduled by an unseen timekeeper, the light raced around the gauze-like roof and walls at frequent intervals, a mosaic of golden light flashing around the circumference, gleaming like reflections from a mirrored lake of water. A voice broke Dathion's rapture.

"Welcome, travelers. I am Aesilian, Speaker of Words. In your lands, I would be named a diplomat."

A lone Elf waited to meet them at the top of the stairs, presenting himself with an elaborate bow. Silken garments depicting an eagle and stars rippled around him, the robes rustling and never settling.

"And I am Dathion, prince-heir of Asillia. These are my companions, Malithas and his son Jerodai, Salidon of the Swiftriders, and my brother Ellishan. We also keep the company of Shanisha of the Masans, and Gergan of the Cerds."

"We are pleased and honored by your presence, races of Man. We share our home willingly, from the grass beneath your feet, to the leaves over your heads. You come to discuss much, yet our answers for you are few. Allow me to introduce you to the twin regents of our home."

Aesilian turned to walk to the middle of the platform on which they stood. Only now, were their eyes turned inward rather than outward. The beauty of their surroundings had captivated them, making them unaware of the five others who waited.

From the platform, grew two thrones, the living wood curling itself into seats; with saplings sprouting from the top and sides. They bloomed with brilliant, green leaves for the King, and delicate, perfumed flowers for the Queen. At their sides knelt two children, a boy and girl, perhaps of similar age to Dathion and Ellishan by their appearance. The beauty of all four was radiant. The two youths looked almost identical, but for differences of gender. Where she was more slender, with feminine softness and longer hair, he appeared broader, more angular, and with his hair cut shorter. Both had eyes of a deep blue that rivaled the clearest of days, or the deepest of oceans. Though they were seated, Dathion could see they were tall, the girl of similar height to Dathion or Jerodai, and the boy a good hand taller, perhaps eye to eye with Malithas, but still much shorter than Gergan.

As beautiful and enchanting as the four Elves appeared, none could match the fifth in their company, and her smile was filled with such brightness that all else darkened around her.

Surely, she stood before them as the true queen of the Elves, with the other four her progeny. Her hair ran like rivulets of satin down her shoulders to her waist. It was a deep auburn, and her flowing locks mirrored the hues of autumn leaves, gleaming with bronze, copper, and gold when the light kissed them. Her eyes resembled the green of spring grass, laced with flecks of emerald. Her skin was as white as the snow of the mountains, and looked even softer than her hair. Beneath its fairness, it glowed with a splash of red, like she had been caressed by heat. As she smiled, fire glimmered in her eyes, which sparkled as they burned.

Dathion waited for her to speak. He imagined her words must sound like a melody, one to which he would close his eyes, and savor notes even purer than the song of power that he wielded. He wrenched his gaze away from her in surprise, when it was the lady on the throne who addressed them.

"I am Marianna, Queen of Elvanae. To my right sits Qualinan our king, and these are our twin children, Allinor and Illiana."

A long pause ensued, as all eyes turned back to the most beautiful of them all. To Dathion's surprise, it became clear that Marianna had ceased her introductions. His cheeks flushed with the familiar warmth of embarrassment when she spoke once more.

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