Soul Fire - Chapter 11

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Throughout their nighttime meal, Jerodai bantered like the monks, teasing Dathion about the display of acrobatics he had been entreated to. Dathion remained silent, content to give the son of Malithas this moment. Believable looks of regret and longing sealed Jerodai's hollow victory. In truth, Dathion could only think back to the extraordinary demonstration from Shanisha.

For Dathion there had been no lesson, just an exhibition. Regardless, his mind was now filled with possibilities, leading him to question his own development. How much better could he fight if taught the way of the Masans? How much more could he achieve with the dedication and devotion of a Masan monk? Mealtime provided the perfect opportunity to question Shanisha, so Dathion patiently waited for a lull to appear in Jerodai's gloating.

It proved to be a very long wait.

"Shanisha, why do you make your practice so difficult and dangerous? Surely it is easier and safer to develop your skills within the temple walls like the other monks?"

Jerodai had his mouth half open to speak once more but Dathion had been too quick. Dathion was rewarded with a scowl. At least Jerodai finally had an opportunity to stuff food into that insufferable mouth.

Shanisha smiled at Dathion.

"The world will throw challenges at you. Not all of them will be fair and few will be easy. Who would you trust to walk life's tightrope - one who practiced shuffing safely along practice boards, or one who learned to sprint on the edges of knives?"

Dathion groaned at the prospect of more riddles.

"But if you run on knives, you will cut your feet!"

"It is a small price to pay when it comes time to walk a tightrope."

The well from which Shanisha drew responses was endless. The thimble from which Dathion plucked his was shallow.

"What if you never have to walk a tightrope? All of that time will have been wasted and all of the risk needless!"

Did he catch a pause from Shanisha?

"I have given that eventuality much thought. If I never have to walk a tightrope, then I pray my challenge is not considerably greater, so that the knife edge has been narrow enough to prepare me."

Dathion buried a wad of noodles in his mouth, a less painful alternative to biting his tongue. Predictably, Malithas and Salidon shared knowing grins. To their credit, or cowardice, the two older Asillians were not foolish enough to start these conversations with the Masans. Malithas had taken the three boys aside earlier in the day, just after breakfast - before they had tended the gardens. He had advised them to listen carefully to every word the monks spoke. Although their sayings might appear cryptic, Malithas had stressed that their wisdom surpassed even the Elves in most matters.

Malithas had said that by isolating themselves from life, they knew more about it than anyone suspected. Dathion had figured the riddles were rubbing off on their instructor as well. He was unsure whether he would find wisdom from his time with the Masans, although he felt increasingly certain he would find madness. Swallowing his noodles, Dathion dared to speak once more.

"So how do I learn to be like you, Shanisha? How can I strike down a man with nothing more than my hands and feet?"

"Like any journey, all you need to do is take the first step, though that is often the hardest."

"Do you mean turning up to lessons? Joining the monks in the temple and learning their skills?"

"Do you believe that is the first step?"

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